Radio IRF 510

Radio IRF 510 is on 6210 Khz at 1345 Utc with SINPO 24433 S=6. Nice holly rock music and DJ Dipol is a presenter. Chris Ise is also involved in the project and Mark Jones presents also some shows. DJ Dipol is now talking about the nice Borderhunter summer meeting, signal is very strong and steady. Next song by Oasis.

UNID 1645 Khz

Hear an UNID dutch station on 1645 Khz at 1925 Utc with SINPO 53443 S=9+10dB. Plays nonstop dutch music without any announcement. Quite good signal, have many home made electrical interference on this frequency.

Laser Hot Hits

Laser Hot Hits is on 6275 Khz at 1720 Utc with SINPO 23322. Plays some 80th pop music like walk in the park. Signal is now weaker then before stopping the regular transmissions but readable.
Quoting from the website

October 2006 – We have begun new test transmissions on 6275kHz via a new relay station. These transmissions are taking place at various times on weekdays and weekends, and reception reports would be gratefully received and acknowledged. Also thanks to several other shortwave free radio stations who have been relaying our Destiny media stream from the Internet via their own transmitters – all relays are gratefully accepted at this time.

Please see the announcement below updating our message from 23 August. On this month’s update, there is a chance to hear shows which were recently aired on shortwave. We still have some shows that were recorded for shortwave but either only made it on air for a few days or did not get transmitted at all. So please keep checking out our website for more programmes in the next few months. You can hear these shows on the Sounds page.

Alternatively you can always listen to Laser streaming on the web via the Destiny Media Player. This is available 24 hours a day and offers good quality audio with some shows in stereo. Surf along to PirateRadio.Com and download the Destiny Media Player. Once installed, click on Radio then the Station tag on the right. In the list that appears look for Laser Hot Hits in the Mixed Format folder. Click on Laser’s name in the list and we should start streaming to your computer.

Also if you missed any programmes from the last update, you can still hear them by clicking the following Recent Shows page.

logs till 22-10-06

this sunday bad conditions. Signals peaking sometimes but only for minutes, often fade outs and only a few stations heard. At afternoon better conditions.
greetings achim

Date 16/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1555 Mystery Radio 45434 9

Date 17/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1730 Mystery Radio 34333 8

Date 18/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1605 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB

Date 19/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1528 Mystery Radio 34433 8

Date 21/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

1.636,0 1618 unid 23322 6

1.636,0 2107 unid 44444 9

3.905,0 2052 Radio Sensation 34333 8
3.905,0 2225 Radio Borderhunter 45444 9

3.927,0 1548 Radio Spaceman 45444 9+10d
3.927,0 2059 Radio Spaceman 45434 9+5dB

6.220,0 1523 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB
6.275,0 1122 Laser Hot Hits (tent) 24333 6

6.276,0 1111 unid 44444 9

6.281,0 1500 Radio Bonofox 24433 7
6.290,0 1438 unid 45444 9+5dB

6.298,0 1452 unid 23322 5
6.301,0 1459 Radio Tarzan 34444 8

6.305,0 1449 Radio Shadowman 45444 9+10d

6.310,0 1442 Radio Boomerang 45444 9+10d
6.311,0 1512 Westcoast Radio 32432 8

6.311,0 1512 Radio Zodiac 32432 8
6.325,0 1439 Zender Robby 24433 8

Date 22/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 0835 Mystery Radio 45444 9 Chris Ise
6.265,0 0910 unid 23322 5

6.285,0 0922 unid 45444 9
6.290,0 1337 Radio Mazda 43443 9

6.300,0 1026 Zender Rocu (Rockocu ??) 34433 8 Mid-NL
6.300,0 0951 Radio Tarzan 35444 8

6.301,0 1405 unid 23322 6

6.305,0 1349 Westcoast Radio 24333 8
6.310,0 1344 unid 33443 8

6.311,0 0820 Radio Underground 25433 7
6.324,0 1016 Zender Paardenkracht 25433 6

Westcoast Radio

Westcoast Radio is on 6305 Khz at 1355 Utc with SINPO 34433. Nice pop-music of the 80th and superb voice modulation. Calls in the studio to +31 653917972 and email-address is westcoastam(@) Station has also some nice jingles and wants to QSO later.