Radio aus Südtirol

Radio in den Achtzigern aus Südtirol, vom Gardasee und in der südbayerischen Region

Unter gibt es viele Zeitungsartikel über die damalige Radiogeschichte. Interessant zu lesen. Die Südtiroler Sender sendeten damals nicht lizensiert nach Süddeutschland und berreicherten das Radioangebot mit frischen Privatfunk zu einer Zeit, wo es in Deutschland noch kaum Privatfunk gab.


Greek mediumwave pirates visited

Greek mediumwave pirates were visited by finnish DXer Harri Kujala. Read his report on the Alfalima-forum. Later photos of his trip will be published under
It is nice to learn more about these balkan stations sometimes booming in above 1610 Khz at evenings. Mostly they do not speak english but there were some QSOs between dutch and balkan mediumwave pirates.

logs till 15-10-06

this sunday unstable conditions but sometimes good signals. At afternoon noisy and low signal strength.
greetings achim

Date 09/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1718 Mystery Radio 45434 9

6.290,0 1719 Radio Bonofox 23433 6
Date 10/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1541 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB

Date 11/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

1.636,0 1733 unid 33443 8

6.220,0 1700 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB

Date 12/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1603 Mystery Radio 33443 8

9.290,0 1549 Radio Spaceshuttle International 24333 7 LSB

Date 13/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

3.927,0 2107 Radio Sensation 44433 8

6.220,0 1630 Mystery Radio 34444 8

Date 14/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

1.635,0 2230 Radio Verona 44444 9+10d

6.220,0 1645 Mystery Radio 23333 6
6.300,0 1624 Cupid Radio 42432 8

6.300,0 1626 Radio Valencia 34433 8
6.328,0 1204 Radio Tarzan (tent) 24433 6

Date 15/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 0721 Mystery Radio 35444 8
6.250,0 1312 Radio Tornado 24433 6

6.265,0 0859 unid 23322 5

6.270,0 1130 Zender Quintus 34444 8
6.275,0 0929 Magic AM 45444 9+5dB

6.278,0 1312 unid 24322 5
6.280,0 1130 Radio Boomerang / Radio Optimod 45444 9

6.285,0 1141 unid 24333 6
6.290,0 1029 unid 33443 8

6.292,0 0918 Antonio Radio 24443 7

6.300,0 0847 On Air AM 24433 7
6.300,0 1139 Zender Skywire (tent) 23433 7

6.300,0 1013 unid 22332 5
6.310,0 1130 unid (Radio Malaisy ??) 33443 8

6.311,0 0835 Radio Underground 24333 6
6.324,0 0924 Zender Paardenkracht 35444 8

Radio Tornado

Radio Tornado is on 6250 Khz at 1315 Utc with SINPO 24433 S=6. Broadcasts from the middle of Netherlands. Plays some dance-sound from the 80th. It is a short test whether the signal is getting through at the late time. Email-address is radiotornadoshortwave(@)

UNID 6310 Khz

An unidentified station shows up on 6310 Khz at 1130 Utc. Some interference by Radio Underground on 6311 Khz, so SINPO 33443. Plays nonstop pop-music so may be it is Radio Malaisy. I doubt this as Mystery Radio on 6220 Khz is very weak today. Close down is at 1146 Utc no announcement heard.

On Air AM

On Air Am ist auf 6300 Khz um 0850 Utc gut mit SINPO 24433. Manchmal O=2 bischen Fading aber das Programm kommt erstaunlich stark rüber. So gut habe ich die Station noch nicht gehört. Es gibt einen Logabriß von heute morgen und Oldies sowie Pop-songs auf die Ohren. Das Programm geht live über den Sender. Anrufen könnt Ihr unter +49 1745217267 und die email-Adresse der Station ist die neue onairam(@)