Uruguay. (Pirate) 6678 Web Radio Infoideas

Uruguay. (Pirate) 6678 Web Radio Infoideas, José Pedro Varela, Dept of Lavalleja. This is a new unofficial radio station from Uruguay (not many in the Uruguayan radio history), running in AM mode, with 25 W nominal (effective 10 W considering current SWR value, feeding an inverted “V”dipole. Sked: 1900 – 2400v. So far has been reported in Argentina (BA, Mar del Plata, Rosario, including down to the southern Patagonian Neuquen Province), Chile and Uruguay. Email: ideasfm(at)gmail.com. Relays a Web Radio streaming from: http://www.raddios.com/foro1.php?radio=infoideasweb (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Jan 9)

Station webpage is:

Info via dxld

EMR this Sunday

EMR this Sunday at 1000 utc

Date 19th of December 2010
Time 1000 to 1100 utc
Channel 6140 khz
10.00 Tom Taylor programme
10.20 Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)

EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday
Programme repeats are at the following times:
10.00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00 utc

Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Please send all reception reports to: studio@emr.org.uk
Good Listening 73s Tom

Info via Tom Taylor

Radio Six International 26 December 2010

Radio Six International, run by our friend Tony Currie, is offering a treat for offshore fans on Sunday, December 26th, between 0830 and 1300GMT.

“Following the success of our special day devoted to pirate radio back in August, and by public demand, we’re repeating the best of these special programmes on the morning of December 26th. Between 08:30 and 13:00 GMT you can hear the voices of the pirate kings and archive programmes, unbroadcast demos, discussions, documentaries and special compilations. Featuring John Benson, Tony Allan, Mark West, Paul Harris, Tommy Shields, Stuart Henry, Tony Meehan, Jack McLaughlin, Tony Currie, Ben Healy, Mike Ahern, and Noel Miller, there are highlights from the final day of 242 Radio Scotland and features on many of its sister stations including Radio London, Radio Caroline and others.”

The station has been webcasting from Glasgow, Scotland since 2000 and attracts listeners in 173 countries around the world. Its programming is also regularly broadcast by 18 affiliates in the USA, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Singapore.

Info via Radio London

Radio Mistletoe

Our e-mail address is open once again! If you would like, you can now contact us here at the North Pole. Our e-mail address is the same as it’s been in the past;


You can write to us for whatever reason. We would like to hear from you.

We’re looking forward to going on the air over the Christmas season and hope that you will be able to tune in.

Keep the spirit!

Kris Kringle

Info via alfalima.net

alfalima.net closedown ?

Hello everyone. i am thinking about closing down, the webspace and domain name,. reason,,, we can use every penny, and it costing me every year around 80 euro’s. for those that want to take over the domain name and space, you are welcome.
if intrested,
mail me @ : alfred.zoer A straatklus.nl , Remove the A and fill in the @.
Still,,, maye i thank JO and glow.. only due you guys this board the spam was taken away, and keped people posting in this forum, Thanks guys…

Info via alfalima.net

Relays via MV Baltic Radio & Nexus (ex. IRRS)

Relays via MV Baltic Radio & Nexus (ex. IRRS)

MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Winter 2010 / 11
Channel 6140 khz – Time 10.00 to 1100 utc
1st Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday – European Music Radio (December)
4th Sunday – Radio Gloria International

Nexus (ex. IRRS) relay service Schedule for Winter 2010 / 11
Channel 9510 khz – Time 09.00 to 10.00utc
1st Saturday – Radio Joystick
3rd Saturday – Radio City

Good Listening 73s Tom

Info via Tom Taylor

Radio Waves International 27th birthday shows

Flash INFOS: 1983-2010

Radio will celebrates its 37th years of Free Radio on the airwaves using its own TXs 7480 & 11401 khz

We will add relay from Lithuania
on the channel of 6055khz from the 49 meters band
every Saturday night on November 6 ,13,20 & 27 de 21.30 à 22.30 UTC
extra program on Friday November from 0 to 22.30 UTC
with a power of 100 000 Watts !

Info via swpirates