Uruguay. (Pirate) 6678 Web Radio Infoideas, José Pedro Varela, Dept of Lavalleja. This is a new unofficial radio station from Uruguay (not many in the Uruguayan radio history), running in AM mode, with 25 W nominal (effective 10 W considering current SWR value, feeding an inverted “V”dipole. Sked: 1900 – 2400v. So far has been reported in Argentina (BA, Mar del Plata, Rosario, including down to the southern Patagonian Neuquen Province), Chile and Uruguay. Email: ideasfm(at)gmail.com. Relays a Web Radio streaming from: http://www.raddios.com/foro1.php?radio=infoideasweb (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Jan 9)
Station webpage is:
Info via dxld