New Year’s Eve Broadcast

Dear SW Friends,

New Year’s Eve Radio East Cost Holland and Voice of the Netherlands will be carrying their traditional joint “end of the year” broadcast.
The broadcast will start quite early in the morning and the end will be some time in the (late) afternoon.
Most likely pxs can be heard on 6275 kHz/ 48 metres and surprisingly also on 1584 kHz. The latter AM frequency will be used to reach local and regional audiences.
Important: response to the live pxs is more than welcome. Both stations don’t use the Hoogeveen maildrop anymore, so what left is e-mail or the phone. No QSLs cards will be available.
For International calls use the Int. accesscode +31-6- 25426740 . Within The Netherlands the number is 0625426740.
Alternatively you can e-mail < eastcoastholland(-a-) >.
So…tune in tomorrow to the traditional joint New Year’s Eve broadcast from the boys from Hoogeveen…it’ll be double fun !!

73s, the RECH/ VotN

FRS Holland on 9290 Khz

Dear FRS Friend,

FRS-Holland will be on the air with a two hour X-Mas Special on Boxing Day December 26th 08.53- 11.00 UTC.
In the programme we’ll be flashing back 20 years to December 1985. We feature news from that month, some of the hits and extracts from Radio Caroline on 558/ 963 kHz, Radio Monique on 963 kHz and FRS-Holland’s Christmas broadcast which took place December 15th on 6205.
In addition the most interesting December 26th facts from the past will be included.
So…tune in to the big 9290 kHz Boxing Day !

Our 25th Birthday will be celebrated in the New Year. Of course we will keep you informed.
FRS-Holland now has a brandnew e-mail address: < frs(-a-) >.
The < frs.holland(-a-)> address will be continued for the time being.

The FRS Team

Radio Spaceshuttle International Xmas-broadcast

RSI will celebrate Christmas (24th and 25th Dec) and New Year’s time being on air on frequencies 3927 kHz late night and early mornings, 6240 kHz morning and daytime, 9290 kHz morning times, 15810 and 13810 kHz daytime UTC towards European countries (and perhaps special tests towards North-America). Special musical Season Wishes to all of you dear listeners!

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2006!


Source: doctortimde-yahoo-group

WR International

Hi guys,
After almost 2 years WR International is trying a come back. The frequency is as always 12256Khz. We have a new audio stage and modified output stage. The Transmitter is on air right now playing non stop music whilst we try and make it sound as nice as we can. Your comments are welcome to please let us know where you are and how it sounds, we thank you very much.
The WR International team

Source: Dave Jones on SRS-Board

EMR on 9290 Khz


Sunday 18th of September 2005

At 0800 to 0900 utc and 1600 to 1700 utc

The EMR Mailbox programme with Mike Taylor will

include letters and emails from last month’s programme,

Also, you can phone the studio and take part in the

programme yourself!

The great 208 is back

The great 208 Radio Luxembourg is back on the internet. Under you can listen to winamp and realaudio streams. May be it will be broadcast on shortwave or mediumwave in DRM as well soon. Some old presenters are also on board. The station has a nice music selection with soft-rock songs. It is not the old feeling of the 80th and 90th on 1440 Khz with the fading and special reception conditions on mediumwave.

FRS Holland celebrates 25 years on shortwave

Hallo FRS Friends,

FRS-Holland is 25 years young! We will celebrate this very memorable fact with a special Birthday trm in November. As you will understand it is impossible to approach
each listener personally. But on the other hand we feel it is very important to have your participation that day.
Several FRSH-friends have already send in their recorded / written greetings but what are YOU waiting for ? We very much would also like to hear from YOU ! Time is running out.
Make this broadcast to an unforgettable one and produce your very own, personal FRS-Holland Birthday greeting.
Send your personal FRS memories on MD, cassettre or as an MP3 file.
….when did you hear us first ?
….in which way did you get to know about FRS ? (via a magazine, other SW FR station, a DX px etc.)
….what are your best memories ?
… there anything very special you do remember ?

This is your chance to be on FRS-Holland during a very special occasion. How many SW FR stations have managed to be on for 25 years ??

Each listener participating, will receive a surprise later this year ! Simply congratulate FRSH with its 25th birthday is of course also an option !!
We know a lot of FRS Friends are out there… Some of the listeners seem to have disappeared, we would be delighted to hear from them.
If you know anybody from the past who used to tune in, forward this message !

Apart from your memories, we are looking for catchy one-liners. What does FRS-Holland mean to you ? Let us know your very own thought(s) and do it in only one sentence !!
A recorded message is the most personal way in which you can participate! But if you have no recording facilities, please send us a letter.
Deadline is the first week of October 2005 but better is to do it right now !!! In this way we will get more time for preparations….

Looking at the great number of listeners tuning in to us in the past 25 years, there must be hundreds of interesting stories. Share your fond memories with us and the other listeners.
Don’t miss your chance to get involved….
We are still looking for an E-mail address from our former German deejay Michael (early 80s). Can anybody help us ?

Details about the broadcasting weekend will be send in October. Sun November 20th could become FRS Day !
All the best,

Peter Verbruggen (on behalf of the FRS crew)

a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format….

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands