Radio Farda is on 9865 Khz at 0540 Utc with SINPO 45444. Programme is identification, address into some pop-music. Language is Farsi and the transmitter site is in Morocco.
Channel Africa
Channel Africa is on 9685 Khz at 0535 Utc with SINPO 24433. Programme is in english about Israel.
CRI Beijing
CRI Beijing is on 9590 Khz at 0520 Utc with SINPO 45444 in Arabic. Some reports after that identification. Frequency is not listed at Seems to be a european relay.
Radio Republic Abkhazia
Radio Republic Abkhazia is on 9495 Khz at 0515 Utc with SINPO 23433. Plays some local pop-music.
CVC International
CVC International is on 9430 Khz at 0510 Utc with SINPO 23433. Programme is some pop-music with female announcer. Language is English and the transmitter site is in Germany.
HCJB Quito
Catched the last minutes of HCJB Quito on 6050 Khz at 0500 Utc till sign off at 0504 Utc. SINPO was 24433 and played nice anden-music.
Dr Gene Scott
Dr Gene Scott via transmitter site in Costa Rica is on 6150 Khz at 0450 Utc with SINPO 33443. Programme is in English with bible reading.
Radio Rebelde
Radio Rebelde from Cuba is on 5025 Khz at 0450 Utc with SINPO 33433. Programme is in spanish with some talk.
VOA Relay Sao Tome & Principe
VOA Relay Sao Tome & Principe is on 4960 Khz at 0445 Utc with SINPO 34433. Programme is in English. The website is at and email-address is
PBS Xizang
PBS Xizang is on 4920 Khz at 2215 Utc with SINPO 24433. Programme is in Tibetian, some talk in parallel with 6130 Khz SINPO 34433. Then some local music.
Radio Marti
Radio Marti is on 6030 Khz at 2205 Utc with SINPO 23433. News in spanish read by man and woman and then identification. Two websites about Radio Marti and, the last one has some errors.
Republic of Yemen Radio
Republic of Yemen Radio is on 6005 Khz at 2135 Utc with SINPO 33433. Language is Arabic and programme is talk by man and woman. At 2200 Utc hymne, identification and close down. The Deutschlandradio Kultur transmitter is almost unheard at my location. Website of the station is, but it is in Arabic completely.
CNR2 can be heard on 7245 Khz at 2105 Utc with SINPO 24433. Programme is in Chinese with local music and announcements. Quite good conditions towards Asia on 41m band this evening.
The 1st chinese national programme CNR1 arrives on 7230 Khz at 2110 Utc with SINPO 24333. News are read out by female, language is Chinese.
Voice of Nigeria
Voice of Nigeria is on 7255 Khz at 2105 Utc with SINPO 33433. Programme is news in French by man. The station has a website under
CRI Beijing
China Radio International is on 7295 Khz at 2050 Utc with SINPO 33433. Programme is in english with music and Chinese Studio – chinese language lesson. At 2057 Utc abruptly signing off. Emails go to crieng(@) and the website is on
Via transmitter in Albania is China Radio International at 2100 Utc on 7285 Khz with SINPO 45434. Language is English and programme is news and ID.
WYFR Family Radio
WYFR Family Radio can be heard on 7360 Khz at 2040 Utc with SINPO 53443. Programme is in english with address and some instrumental music into Creation Moment. Some interference from 7355 Khz by strong chinese music jammer. Transmitter site is in Moldova. Announced email-address is international(@) The website is on
Radio Belarus
Radio Belarus is on 7390 Khz at 2035 Utc with SINPO 34433. Programme is in english and some local pop-music is played. Then followed an identification. The website can be reached via
Radio Free Asia
Radio Free Asia can be heard on 7460 Khz at 2030 Utc in Korean via transmitter in Mongolia. Reception is quite good with SINPO 24433. Programme is news read out by man. THe english website of Radio Free Asia is
VOIRI Teheran
VOIRI Teheran is on 7540 Khz at 2020 Utc in English via transmitter in Lithuania. Reception is good with SINPO 55444, almost no fading. Programme is news and frequency schedule at the end of programme in english. Parallel frequency is direct from Iran 6205 Khz with SINPO 45434. Annonced email-address is englishradio(@) The website of the english service is
Radio St Helena
On 4th of November, 2006 Radio St Helena is again broadcasting on 11092,5 Khz in USB-mode. Visit Radio St Helena 2006 for exact broadcast times and QSL-information.
Source: MIL in Radioforum
An excellent site is Lots of shortwave station schedules, QSL-cards and audio files. A huge site to surf on a longer time.
Radio Oman
Radio Oman is on 13640 Khz at 0715 Utc in Arabic. Reception is quite good with SINPO 25433. Plays some arabic music. After that clear identification by woman.
RAI Radio Due
RAI Radio Due is on 7195 Khz at 0705 Utc in Italian. Plays some pop-music from the 80th and announcements. Reception is strong with SINPO 45444. Station is not listed in Eibi’s frequency list. At 0707 Utc sudden sign off.
WHRI World Harvest Radio
WHRI World Harvest Radio is on 7465 Khz at 0700 Utc in English. Reception is good with SINPO 34433, some fading. Programme is religious speech.
Voz Cristiana
Voz Cristiana is on 6110 Khz at 0640 Utc in Portuguese. SINPO is 24433, some nice music and announcements.
RHC Habana
RHC Habana is strong on 6060 Khz at 0630 Utc in English. Reception is SINPO 34433. Programme is a report on Nicaragua and Latin America. Later clear ID.
WEWN Birmingham
WEWN Birmingham is on 5850 Khz at 0625 Utc in English. Reception is fair with SINPO 44433. Programme is some religious talk about different verses.
PBS Xizang
PBS Xizang can be heard also in 60 metre band. The tibetian programme is aired on 4905 Khz at 2215 Utc. Reception is fair with SINPO 23333, some talk by man and woman.
Radio New Zealand
Radio New Zealand is on 13730 Khz at 2205 Utc in English. Reception is SINPO 24322, sometimes O=3 but much fading. Programme is news and after that sports news.
WTJC Newport
Another religious station from the USA is WTJC Newport on 9370 Khz. Reception is good with SINPO 45444 at 2205 Utc. Plays some religious songs.