Month: September 2022
Antenne Ostalgie: Hier ist das Testprogramm via Internet zu empfangen
Ab morgen Top 1000 bei SWR1 RP und Radio 538
NRW1: Der Sendebetrieb startet am 4. Oktober
Virgin Radio UK startet „80s Plus“ Spartenkanal
Niki Fuchs wird Station-Managerin von Rock Antenne Österreich
Outdoor- und Tischradio: Neue DAB+-Radios von TechniSat
Spenden-Masche mit kopierten Accounts: Wie Betrüger hilfsbereite Menschen auf Twitter abzocken
Gebruik DAB+ wil maar niet hard stijgen
KIWI SDR receivers
If you want to purchase a KiwiSDR better do so soon. Because when the current distributor stock is sold there will be no more.
The Kiwi is a victim of the global semiconductor shortage. Parts have not been available in more than a year. And there is no guarantee when this situation will end, if ever.
There are other reasons as well. But they’re secondary and don’t really matter at this point.
I don’t want to get into a big discussion about this. There’s not much to say really. All the ideas and possibilities you might be thinking were already considered many months ago. There is simply no reasonable way forward. Not for me anyway.
After 9 years, 6 since the Kickstarter, I am tired. I’ve had no income from the project since March. I am losing money every month now in OpEx costs. Some support and development will continue. But mostly on things I consider interesting or easy to implement. I’ve been working on other projects for some time.
I’d like to thank everyone for their kind support over the years. Through the good times and the bad.