Funk-Telegramm 5/2023

Das neue Funk-Telegramm 5/2023 ist unterwegs zu den Lesern!
Das Jahres-Abo kostet 24 Euro. Infos auf oder einfach 24 Euro paypalen an
73 Joachim, DL8HCZ
Aus dem Inhalt:
IC-705 und Software SDR-Control: Auf 12 Seiten erklärt Nils Schiffhauer, DK8OK, alles Wissenswerte zur Fernsteuerung des IC-705 übers Internet mittels Handy, Tablet & Co.
Wissenswertes über Magnetische Loopantennen (MLA) (Teil 5): Überlegungen zur Konstruktion
DARC-Vorstand und Geschäftsführung(en)
DARC: Bald Online-Wahlen auf OV-Ebene möglich?
Österreich: Neue Frequenznutzungs-Verordnung in Kraft
Neues zur deutschen Klasse “N”
Ergebnisse der VFDB-Umfrage veröffentlicht
Digitale Nachlässe zu frühen Radio- und Funkvereinen
Russland: Afu-Rufzeichen für annektierte Gebiete
Sonderpräfixe, Sondercalls & Diplom zur Krönung von König Charles III
Causa Q05 – Synonym für Willkür und Schikane im DARC?
DL8LR zum cq DL-Artikel von DL3MBG
Geschichte: Amateurfunk in der NS-Zeit

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WMR Radio 208 update

World Music Radio (WMR) has commenced using a new 300 Watts transmitter from April 12 2023 on 15700 kHz after several months with 10 Watts only here. The transmitter is currently being run on a test basis 24/7 – but from next week it will be Saturdays and Sundays only. Occasionally on weekdays (I can put the transmitter on – by request, should anyone want it). So far results have been good. The signals has been monitored via KiwiSDRs in South Africa, Kenya, Argentina, Brazil, Bonaire, USA, Iceland, Russia, Ireland, many places in Central and South Europe, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. The aerial is a three element yagi beamed south. The transmitter is slightly off channel (a bit below 15700.0 kHz); this will be adjusted as soon as possible. Works will also be done to improve the audio quality on 15700 kHz.
WMR is still on the air on 927 kHz (150 Watts), 5930 kHz (100 Watts), and 25800 kHz (60 Watts). These three frequencies are on the air 24/7. Power on 5930 kHz will soon be increased to 200 Watts. In the last few months 25800 has been monitored almost all over the world – at times – due to the current high sunspot numbers.

Radio208 has had some issues with a new 300 Watts transmitter on 5970 kHz – replacing the old 100 Watts transmitter, which was running around 75 Watts only. The new transmitter has been on and off for the past few weeks. It was put back into service again today at 10 UTC, the power lowered to 200 Watts, and hopefully it will continue now. Later, plans are to improve the dipole aerial for 5970, and thus increase power to 300 Watts again. Also problems with the aerial for 1440 kHz. Currently 1440 is running low power (around 20-30 Watts), so still audible locally. It may take a couple of weeks until 1440 can return to full power, which may be 500 Watts instead of the ‘normal’ 400 Watts. We are considering a new aerial, which would improve reception in central Copenhagen. Both 5970 and 1440 kHz are on the air 24/7.

I am very late sending out QSL’s. Sorry! The new WMR 2023 QSL is currently being designed, and will hopefully be ready by the end of the month. Kindly – please – notice that reports using remote receivers are not wanted, and they are not QSLed. E-QSLs are free of charge of course, but if a printed QSL card is desired, kindly send five euro – or two IRCs to cover return postage. Donations are always VERY welcome. Address is: World Music Radio/Radio208, PO Box 112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark. Paypal via E-mail addresses are: and

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