The general overseas service of All India Radio can be heard on 9445 Khz at 2150 Utc with SINPO 44444. Plays some indian film songs and later there is a report on an exhibition. Language is English.

Radio Africa No 1

Radio Africa No 1 is on 9580 Khz at 2145 Utc with SINPO 33433. Plays some african pop-music and I heard an identification. Some interference from Radio Medi 1 on 9575 Khz but quiet good readable.

Radio Aparecida

Weak signals from Radio Aparecida on 9630 Khz at 2140 Utc in Portuguese. SINPO 24322, lots of noise and fading make reception not easy. Plays some local music and talk by man.

RHC Habana

RHC Habana is heard on 11760 Khz at 2125 Utc with SINPO 34433. Plays some local music and talk in English. Broadcast is directed to Europe. Clear identification at 2130 Utc. Then interval signal and programme in French.

PBS Xizang (tent)

Tentative PBS Xizang is on 6050 Khz at 2230 Utc in Chinese. At 2230 Utc identification but I am not so familiar with the chinese language. Later news and some talk. Reception is fair with O=3.
The second outlet of PBS Xizang arrives on 6110 Khz at 2240 Utc in Tibetian as well. Plays some local music. The tibetian programme of PBS Xizang is also heard in parallel on 6130 Khz with O=4.

Voice of Vietnam 2

The home service of the Voice of Vietnam 2nd programme can be heard at 2225 Utc on 5925 Khz in Vietnamese. Female speaker is reading some news. Reception is quiet good with O=3, some noise.


The muslim holy month of Ramadan will start around Sep 24 in 2006. The exact time is decided by local priests depending on the phases of the moon. (Deutsche Presse Agentur, Sep 03)

Source: DX-window of DSWCI via A-DX-list

Programmes of muslim countrys are on extended schedule. A good chance to hear stations that you do not hear usually.