Album AM will cease broadcasting on December 31, 2024

Album AM will cease broadcasting on December 31, 2024. We have learned a lot about antenna techniques over the past 5 years and everything has been tested, the challenge has passed.
A little calculation shows that approximately € 11,000 has been spent on contributions alone over the past 5 years!
For me the answer is clear, LPAM is exorbitantly expensive for a bit of testing as ham radio amateur and you get little or nothing in return, then it’s better to take up another hobby.
From July 19th this blog will be terminated after 5 years and the e-mail address 𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼@𝗮𝗹𝗯𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗺.𝗻𝗹 will no longer work!

Info via Facebook


Tony Rogers hat seine DX Guides auf die aktuelle Sendeperiode A24 (April 2024) aktualisiert. Das aktuelle “Africa on Shortwave” trägt als Aktualisierungsdatum den 11. April und ist, wie auch die aktuellen anderen Frequenzübersichten, kostenlos downloadbar auf

Info via A-DX Facebook