My Name is Arun Kumar Narasimhan from Chennai in India in India and I have been producing and presenting “DXERSDIARY”, a 5-minute weekly DX programme in KTWR’s DRM broadcast in 15205 Khz from 15.00 hrs UTC every Sunday from January 3, 2021.
DXERS Diary DX Programme is also being broadcast every Wednesday in 11965 kHz from 11.01 hrs UTC to 11.07 hrs UTC as part of KTWR’s South East Asia block. You can also listen in 9965 kHz from 14.30 hrs UTC every Wednesday. Those who can’t tune in to DRM can now listen to the program in Shortwave.
This programme is designed to make it easy for listeners to contribute to the advancement of the DX hobby. In this programme, we broadcast listeners’ logs, band scans, sent to us from listeners across the world, information about sunspost number, SFI forecast and A-index , news and frequency changes by various radio stations around the world.
Listeners can send their band scans, shortwave radio logs, reception reports, views and opinion about the programme to “”.
Info via WOR