The historic Alexanderson alternator transmitter at Grimeton, Sweden is
preserved as a museum and is operated by volunteers on various special days throughout the year. The station will transmit CW on its usual frequency of 17.2kHz on 24 December at 0800UTC. These transmissions are well worth listening to if you can rig up some kind of the receiver, the musical sound of the keyed alternator is unique
Reports are welcome and will be confirmed by QSL-cards.
QSL reports can be given via:
– E-mail to:
– or fax to: +46-340-674195
– or via SM bureau
– or direct by mail to: Alexander – Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, S-430 16 ROLFSTORP, SWEDEN
Info via dxld