BBC, Deutsche Welle and VOA have released some sort of joint statement about Iranian satellite jamming
Info via dxld
BBC, Deutsche Welle and VOA have released some sort of joint statement about Iranian satellite jamming
Info via dxld
Deutsche Welle: Ausstrahlung wieder vom Iran gestört,,5238579,00.html
Info via Net-Radio
R. Australia using new relay sites after Darwin closes
Power problems force Nigerian state station off air
Radio Tirana Online now streaming at 64 kbps
New station via TDP in DRM on shortwave: The Disco Palace:
“Feel the music†and get surrounded by the disco beat, listen every day to “The Disco Palace†on your digital radio, the maximum level of audio quality that you find in the market.
We broadcast in the DRM-standard (Digital Radio Mondiale).
Broadcast Frequency
Europe from 1400-1500 UTC 6015 kHz
North America from 2000-2100 UTC 17755 kHz
Check website:
TDP will start, as of today Wednesday 10 February, to transmit DRM programmes towards Florida and East coast of USA using TDF Montsinery (French Guiana) SW facilities.
Programme content:
– from 1900 to 2000 UTC: “TDPradio”
– from 2000 to 2100 UTC: “The Disco Palace”
Frequency: 17755 kHz,
Power: 100 kW RMS,
Antenna: 4 / 4 at 311°,
DRM parameters:
DRM B mode
Bandwidth: 10 kHz
MSC = 64 QAM
CR = 0,6
codage : AAC + SBR.
Wishing you good listening.
Info via dxld
ZNBC shortwave transmitters for radios 1 and 2 Breakdown
Info via dxld
Radio Stations in the United Kingdom – New 2010 – 22nd edition
is now available from the club.
BDXC’s guide to all UK and Irish MW and FM radio stations.
click Radio Stations in the United Kingdom.
This 72-page booklet follows the successful format of previous editions with its comprehensive frequency-by-frequency guide to domestic mediumwave and FM stations in the UK. It covers all BBC, commercial and community radio stations as well as the low power AM and FM stations operating with long-term restricted service licences.
Features include:
* All stations listed by frequency as well as station name
* Frequencies cross-referenced to show parallel channels
* Transmitter sites, powers and transmitter polarisation
* full postal addresses, web address and phone numbers
* Comprehensive listing of long-term Low Power AM and FM stations
at colleges, hospitals, schools, sports venues, prisons
and army garrisons.
* Full details of the many new Community Radio stations
* Separate section covers RTE and independent stations in Ireland
“Radio Stations in the UK” aims to be the most accurate and comprehensive guide to British domestic AM and FM radio for the DXer and UK radio enthusiast. Since the last edition there have been many changes and dozens of new stations have come on the air.
Anyone planning a holiday or business trip in the UK, or visiting the
country would find the guide invaluable in helping to identify the numerous radio stations now on the air. Why not order a second copy to keep in your car?
Getting a Copy
“Radio Stations in the UK” is available from:
British DX Club
10 Hemdean Hill
Reading RG4 7SB
United Kingdom
PRICE per copy including postage:
* UK: £4.00
* Europe: £5.00 / 7 Euros (paypal/cash only) /
8 International Reply Coupons
* Rest of World: £6.00 (sterling)/ 9 International Reply Coupons /
US$10 (paypal/cash only)
SPECIAL OFFER for 2 copies: UK £7.00, Europe 10 Euros (paypal/cash)
All prices include postage. To avoid sending coins through the post you may send a combination of currencies, eg 5 Euro plus 2 IRCs or 2 dollars.
Recommended methods of payment:
* UK Cheque / UK postal order payable to “British DX Club”
* Paypal payments to:
(please add 5% to cover Paypal fees)
* International Reply Coupons
* Cash in $US, Euros or other major currencies
(but no foreign coins or foreign cheques please)
(Communication, BrDXC-UK Feb 6)
Info via A-DX
30 Minuten Radio Bulgarien in Deutsch Podcast via:
Der Podcast entspricht der 30minütigen Sendung, die um 1730 UTC auf
Kurzwelle ausgestrahlt wird.
Info via Net-Radio
Dirk Rijmenants has published a 10 page paper:
Cuban Agent Communications, Failure of a Perfect System.
Several Cuban spies in the United States, who received instruction from Cuba via shortwave numbers stations, were recently arrested. How did they fail?
Download link on his blog, also can be downloaded on his website, which is linked to, Dirk Rijmenants’ Cipher Machines and Cryptology,
Historical and Technical Information about Crypto Machines, Cryptology and Free Software Simulations.
Blog entry:
Info via dxld
Anker Petersen vom Danish Shortwave Club International hat soeben den bereinigten “Tropical Bands Monitor 2009” zum kostenlosen Download freigegeben:
Info via A-DX
The WRTH editorial team is pleased to announce that a file containing
updates to the Winter/B09 schedules is now available to download from the WRTH website: and click on the “Latest PDF Updates” link
The file is 234kb in size and contains schedule updates for international
and Clandestine/Target broadcasters plus details of 3 new stations.
We hope you find this a useful accompaniment to the printed WRTH.
Info via HCDX
Radio Prague schedule from 1 February
All regional PBS stations will relay CNR 1 on Chinese new year 13 February 2010 around 1320 Utc past 1440 Utc. Watch out for some nice catches.
Info via CumbreDX
Shortwave Radio Meetings – 2010
Date: February 27 (1430-1700 BST)
Location: Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS, England
Organization: Reading International Radio Group
Expected Attendance: 20
More info:
Note: these Reading DX meetings are held with 1-2 months interval. Next ones: 10 April, 5 June, 24 July
Dates: March 5-6
Location: Kulpsville, PA, USA
Organzation: Winter SWL Fest
Expected Attendance: 200
More Info:
Dates: May
Location: Ontario, Canada
Oganisation: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters
More Info: (pages under construction)
Dates: May 14-16
Location: Dayton, Ohio, USA
Organization: Dayton Hamvention
Expected Attendance: 20,000
More Info:
Dates: June 4-6
Location: Vejers Beach, Jutland, Denmark
Description: The annual general meeting of DSWCI and listening camp
Organization: Danish Short Wave Club International
Expected Attendance: 30
More Info:
Dates: June/July
Location: Sweden
Description: The annual DX-Parliament of Swedish DXers
Organization: Swedish DX Federation
Expected Attendance: 30
More Info:
Dates: June 25-27
Location: Friedrichshafen, Germany
Description: Ham Radio, biggest annual hamfest in Europe
Dates: July
Location: Mexico
Description: The Annual Mexican DX Meeting
Expected Attendance: 50
More Info:
Dates: August 6-8
Location: Haapavesi, Central Finland
Description: The Annual Summer Meeting
Organization: The Finnish DX Association
Expected Attendance: 70
More Info:
Dates: August 21-23
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Organization: Tokyo Ham Fair
Expected Attendance: 30000
Dates: September 3-8
Location: Berlin, Germany
Name: IFA Internationale Funkausstellung
Description: Consumer Electronics Fair – Including Radios
Dates: September 10-14
Location: Amsterdam, Holland
Name: IBC Expo,
Description: Media trade show
Dates: September 30-October 3
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Description: European DX Conference
Organization: European DX Council/Voice of Turkey
Expected Attendance: 50
More Info:
Info via Risto Vahakainu on HCDX
Informationen zu Auslandssendungen in deutscher Sprache:
Info via A-DX
More on the BBG’s FY 2011 budget request
Info via A-DX
First edition of UADX email-Newsletter can be obtained here:
Info via Hardcore-DX
Interesting DX-blog with emphasis on south Asia:
Samstag,06. Februar 2010
1505-1600 Lokalzeit
Stadt ohne Mitte
Live aus Staßfurt in Sachsen-Anhalt
(Auszug aus der programmvorschau)
Moderation: Nana Brink
Live aus dem Tilly-Saal im Salzlandtheater, Steinstraße 20 in Staßfurt.
Staßfurt war einmal der Standort des größten Fernsehgerätewerkes der DDR. In der DDR kannte also jeder den Namen der Stadt, auch wenn die Radios und Fernsehgeräte später unter dem anonymeren Kürzel RFT verkauft wurden.
Auch heute noch werden hier bei der Firma TechniSat High-Tech-Geräte der Fernsehtechnik hergestellt. Um die Geschichte der Rundfunktechnik kümmert sich ein rühriger Verein mit einem Museum.
Die Themen und Gäste der Sendung: ua.
An einer Wiege der deutschen Rundfunktechnik
Radios und Fernseher aus Staßfurt
Gespräch mit Hartmut Maßel (Vorsitzender des Vereins
Freunde der Staßfurter Rundfunk- und Fernsehtechnik e.V.)
Info via A-DX
Video of Thomson rotatable shortwave antenna system at IBB Kuwait, Phase 2.
Info via dxld
Südttirol: Aus für Stadtradio Meran zum 31. Januar 2010
Info via facebook
Canada’s first radio station goes off the air
Info via dxld
Musik legal und gratis – Internetradios im Test
Info via Net-Radio
Beid er Station Ostwelle laufen nur Lieder aus der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik laufen:
Livestream (mp3, 128 kb/s):
In der Programmbeschreibung heißt es:
Die Ostwelle bringt Ihnen Leckerbissen aus vier Jahrzehnten DDR nach Hause. Schlager- und Volksmusikstars der ehemaligen DDR, die schönsten Balladen, historische Pionier- und FDJ-Lieder und alles, was damals in den DDR-Hitparaden gespielt wurde.
Info via Net-Radio
Wolfgang Hagen: Das Radio