Category: dxtuners
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websdr twente offline
The websdr twente is offline as you read here:
However there is a websdr at twente university covering afu bands full coverage planned:
Global Perseus WAV Files for Download
From 2007 to 2010 I operated the *Five Below* blog for Perseus SDR
enthusiasts, I also hosted Perseus WAV recordings sent in by DXers around
the world.
Although the blog is history (but available in a 36mb archived ZIP
the Perseus WAV files live on. There are currently 91 files freely
available for download at:
* *This folder includes the
recently uploaded Hawaii recordings made by Dave Aichelman.
If you do not own a Perseus SDR, you can still explore the MW band (and
often LW too, depending on the file) by downloading and installing the demo
Perseus software or
using the free HDSDR software
Because these WAV files contain “IQ” data representing a swath of RF
spectrum that Perseus can play back, the files can be very large. The
reward for your downloading patience, however, is gaining access to the MW
band as heard in other parts of the world than your own. This can be a
great way to access local programming, check IDs, or simply vicariously DX
from another location.
In most cases there are comments on the WAV files, notes on antennas used,
etc. found in my archived Perseus blog
You’ll just need to cross-reference the dates of the WAV file uploading to
the articles/entry date in the blog.
Thanks to all the Perseus owners who shared their Perseus WAV files with
other DXers via *Five Below*.
Guy Atkins
Info via hcdx
KCNZ 1650 Khz
Tentative KCNZ is on 1650 Khz at 0702 Utc with SINPO 32332 in the Netherlands. Some news and talk.
KVNS 1700 Khz
KVNS is on 1700 Khz at 0659 Utc with SINPO 33433 in the Netherlands.
WCNZ 1660 Khz
Tentative WCNZ is on 1660 Khz at 0640 Utc with SINPO 33433 in the Netherlands.
Web RX Italy
SDR Kurzwellenempfänger im Netz
Unter ist ein neues SDR-Kurzwellenradio per INternet steuerbar. Zur Zeit gehen nur bestimmte Amateurfunkbänder. Informationen HIER.
Info via Radioforum
Radio 700
Radio 700 is on 6005 Khz at 1445 Utc with SINPO 54444 in United Kingdom. Plays some Schlager and Oldies. Testing 24 hours this week.
Radio Japan
Radio Japan is on 6305 Khz at 2150 Utc with SINPO 44444 in Sweden. Language is English and some reports about Hindu into music.
WYFR Family Radio
WYFR Family Radio is on 6280 Khz at 1525 Utc with SINPO 44444 in United Kingdom. The mailbag programme is broadcast with listener’s letters. Language is English. The broadcast is not listed at Eibi frequency list. I assume it is via relay site in Taiwan but I am not sure.
Radio 10 Gold
Listen to Radio 10 Gold on 1008 Khz at 1950 Utc with SINPO 54444 in Sweden. S=9+30dB huge signal for the dutch station. Plays pop-music of the 80th with announcements and ID. Also a Radio 10 Gold jingle is played.
ALL India Radio
All India Radio is on 4860 Khz at 1800 Utc with SINPO 23433 in Sweden. Language is Urdu and plays some local music.
Radio Nikkei
Listen to Radio Nikkei on 3925 Khz at 2220 Utc with SINPO 23322 S=5 in Sweden. Programme is in Japanese talk by woman and man. I was looking for Radio Borderhunter but the pirate radio station has been closing down.