Power is out at WRMI!

Power is out at WRMI! At approximately 0745 UTC Sunday 30 January, we lost all electrical power at the WRMI transmitter site in Okeechobee, Florida. This is the reason that all transmitters and our Internet stream are off the air. Florida Power & Light is dispatching a team to our site to try to restore power as soon as possible. The power outage is caused by the near-freezing conditions at our site tonight, which is a very unusual situation here in South Central Florida.


Power is back on at WRMI — It has been a brutal night and morning (Jan 30) here at the WRMI transmitter site in Okeechobee. Electrical power was out for about three and a half hours due to an extreme freeze in this area. And when the power returned, we had many problems with computers and one transmitter damaged. At this time everything is working normally again, except that we have a problem with transmitter 14 that we hope to have resolved in time for this evening’s transmission.

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Abschied Astrit Ibros von Radio Tirana (26. Januar 2022)

Abschied Astrit Ibros von Radio Tirana (26. Januar 2022):
Liebe Hörerinnen und liebe Hörer des deutschen Programms von Radio Tirana, liebe Leserinnen und Leser der Webseite von Radio Tirana, Es ist für mich gar nicht leicht, diese Abschiedszeilen an EUCH zu schreiben.Nach 42 Jahren einer ununterbrochenen Arbeit in Radio Tirana, als Übersetzer, Reporter, Journalist und Leiter von Radio Tirana International ist die Zeit gekommen, Euch „Lebt wohl!“ zu sagen. […] Auf Wiederhören! Astrit Ibro http://rthk.agdx.de/html/redaktion.html

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