Day: January 14, 2023
Reporting Iran: Inside BBC Persian – A new documentary offers a candid look at BBC Persian journalists at work
100 Jahre Radio – Zur Geschichte und Zukunft des Hörfunks
Amateurfunk 1955
Netflix und Co.: Goldenes Serien-Zeitalter ebbt offenbar ab
VRT-Apps mit Apple CarPlay und Android Auto kompatibel
iHeartMedia startet neues Sportradio in Washington D.C. steht zum Verkauf
Superclan Radio eQSL
Videofutter: Einen Röhrenverstärker mit selbst gefertigten Trioden-Röhren bauen
Goldrausch 6070 Khz eQSL
Radio Köpfe: Werner Reinke (hr1)
WRTH 2023
We have exciting news!
The WRTH is now at our printer and the production already started.
And the best thing about it all:
Our team has been very busy and we can proudly say you can expect even more pages of reading fun – to be exact 848 pages full with information.
In our next newsletter we will tell you where you can buy the WRTH.
Stay tuned!
Your team from WRTH
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