Dear Sir, thank you for mentioning our revised website. Due to the fact that we have many recordings of the past integrated into, and this blog is mainly arranged by name of the country, and in reason of founding a bigger team of 5 DX-er’s for a co-operation, we decided to make in addition a realtime blog for daily entries. This is: The first idea for this d a i l y blog of 5 persons together was coming from Dr. Harald Gabler, CEO of the Rhein-Main-Radio-Club e.V., Frankfurt. Thank you for your attention and your kind backlink. We have done the same for you in the new blog under the area: “friendly Links”. Wishing a lot of fun with the Hobby, from Klaus, Harry, Herbert, Peter P., Frank and Anni.
Dear Sir, thank you for mentioning our revised website. Due to the fact that we have many recordings of the past integrated into, and this blog is mainly arranged by name of the country, and in reason of founding a bigger team of 5 DX-er’s for a co-operation, we decided to make in addition a realtime blog for daily entries. This is: The first idea for this d a i l y blog of 5 persons together was coming from Dr. Harald Gabler, CEO of the Rhein-Main-Radio-Club e.V., Frankfurt. Thank you for your attention and your kind backlink. We have done the same for you in the new blog under the area: “friendly Links”. Wishing a lot of fun with the Hobby, from Klaus, Harry, Herbert, Peter P., Frank and Anni.