RTBFi verlässt Kurzwelle

Zum Jahresende verabschiedet sich Belgien komplett von der Kurzwelle, das französischsprachige Programm RTBFi wird dann nicht mehr über die Sendestation Wavre ausgestrahlt. Bis zu diesem Datum werden auf KW die Frequenzen 9970 kHz und 9925 kHz (DRM) eingesetzt. Auch 2010 kann man das Programm aber im Internet, in Kinshasa auf UKW (falls man sowieso mal da ist, kann man ja mal reinschalten) oder auf Mittelwelle 621 kHz in Europa hören.

Info via RTBF via A-DX

Frequenzen auf:
Online-QSL und Kontakt:

Info via A-DX

SAQ 17.2 Khz 24 December

The historic Alexanderson alternator transmitter at Grimeton, Sweden is
preserved as a museum and is operated by volunteers on various special days throughout the year. The station will transmit CW on its usual frequency of 17.2kHz on 24 December at 0800UTC. These transmissions are well worth listening to if you can rig up some kind of the receiver, the musical sound of the keyed alternator is unique


Reports are welcome and will be confirmed by QSL-cards.

QSL reports can be given via:
– E-mail to: info@alexander.n.se
– or fax to: +46-340-674195
– or via SM bureau
– or direct by mail to: Alexander – Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, S-430 16 ROLFSTORP, SWEDEN


Info via dxld

Artic Radio Club

From 2009.19.27 2300 UTc you can hear “Artic Radio Morokulien” with music from the 60` on MW together with some small talks. The transmissions is a joint venture between Morokulien and Artic Radio Club, both celebrating 50 year.

28.12.2009 00.00 – 01.00
28.12.2009 14.00 – 15.00
30.12.2009 09.00 – 10.00
06.01.2010 09.00 – 10.00
10.01.2010 14.00 – 15.30
10.01.2010 21.00 – 23.00

The above is Swedish time. Please subtract one our to get UTC.

The transmissions will be in Swedish with some parts in English. Station identification in both Swedish and English

Please contact the ARCTIC RADIO, PO Box 5050, SE-350 05 Växjö, Sweden. Email: arctic.radio.morokulien@telia.com
Reception reports are welcome to the above addresses and if you request a printed QSL-card for the correct reception report, please include 2 stamps, IRCs or $ for Swedish domestic postage.If you want to be notified of further commemorative broadcasts in 2010 please send us your email address.

Info via Claes Olsson via CumbreDX

Extra transmission with SAQ Dec 10 2009


There will be a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17,2 kHz on December 10 2009 at 08:00 UTC and will be repeated at 16:00 UTC the same day.

The reason for the extra transmission is a centenary commemoration of the Nobel Prize given to Guglielmo Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Brown.

We do not require any QSL-reports this time and will not verify.



P.S.We still intend to continue with our annual transmissions on Christmas Eve (morning), Dec 24, at 08:00 UTC with tuning up from 07:30 UTC. D.S.

(Lars KÃ¥lland) via dxld

DX Quiz 2009

DX QUIZ 2009

In 2009 the Ardic DX Club celebrates its 11th anniversary. For 11 years it has been the primary source of information for dxing enthusiasts all over the Tamil Nadu, India. In order to celebrate this event, a quiz is being organised. The quiz is open to anyone, regardless of location or club membership. The quiz does not solely deal with Tamil Dxing, but covers very different radio aspects. Answering following 25 questions you can show your radio knowledge.

No quiz without prizes of course. You wish to contribute a prize? Please contact me! And to make the contest interesting to everybody, a few prizes will be given anomaly to entrants. So if the questions look hard, participate anyway.

Quiz starts from 1 November 2009, Last date for the entry 30 January 2009

See the Quiz Questions on the special website http://dxquiz.wordpress.com/

Send your answers to
59, Annai Sathya Nagar,
Chennai – 600 106,

Mint Stamp / IRC
Every entry will get the special pennant in the memory of The External Services of All India Radio’s 70th anniversary. Every entry must send one reception report of any frequency of All India Radio for the 70th anniversary special QSL. Indian listeners must send Rs.10/- mint stamp for postage and International listeners must send 2 IRC or 2 US $.

For more details
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in

Info via hcdx

RMRC RSD 2009 Party live in Internet

RMRC RSD 2009 Party live in Internet

PLEASE try to join us at the Rhein-Main Radio Club Radio St. Helena Day 2009 Party.

The RMRC plans to have a live CHAT, a webcam with audio so that
DXers can tell us about their reception conditions and about themselves during the RSD 2009 broadcasts.

The RMRC plans to start the CHAT at about 19:00 UTC on 14. November 2009.

To find the RMRC in the Internet, go to our homepage www.rmrc.de
On the homepage, on the left side, select “RMRC WebCam”.
The webcam picure will be updated about every minute.
You can CHAT with us using the chat-box just below the photo.

You can hear the streaming audio by starting SKYPE.
Start SKYPE on your computer.
SEARCH for :
“RMRC” AND (“Germany” or “Deutschland”) AND “All Languages”
and then hit “Find”
NOTE: be SURE to use “Germany” or “Deutschland”, otherwise you get
an address in Brazil or somewhere.
The result should be: RMRC rmrcev Germany, Frankfurt
ADD this NEW Contact to your Skype list of contacts.

For other information from the RMRC, see:
www.rmrc.de/StHelena.html for Radio St. Helena information
www.rmrc.de/QSLCalendar.html for the RMRC 2010 QSL Calendar
www.rmrc.de/Webcam.html for direct access to the webcam page
These addresses must be exactly as shown (upper and lower case letters).

For RSD 2009, RSH has set up a special email address :
— to contact the RSH studio to take part in the program and
— to take part in the drawing for RMRC 2010 QSL Calendars.
This special email address is: radio.announcements4669(at)msn.com
It is vital to use only lower case letters in this address.

Many thanks for your help and interest and with very best greetings,
Gary Walters , Station Manager of Radio St. Helena
Harald Gabler, Lutz Winkler, and Robert Kipp
Rhein-Main Radio Club , Frankfurt, Germany

Please pass this information along to your radio club and radio friends.
(Robert Kipp Via Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India) via DXLD

QSL-Kalender 2010

Seit 5 Jahren gibt der RMRC zusammen mit der ADDX den QSL-Kalender heraus, einen farbigen Hochglanz Wandkalender (A4 quer, engl., ) als Non-Profit Aktion zur Unterstützung der DX-Clubs. Der Kalender enthält viele seltene und dekorative QSL-Karten von Radiosendern aus aller Welt, z.T. von Sendern, die schon lange nicht mehr existieren. Titelbild ist zu sehen auf der RMRC-Homepage www.rmrc.de

Der QSL-Kalender 2010 ist zur Auslieferung bereit. Wer einen zugesandt haben möchte, bitte melden. Die Auflage ist begrenzt. Der Kalender kostet 15 Euro incl. Porto in Europa.
Bestellen bei RMRC (www.rmrc.de), bei der ADDX oder bei mir.

beste 73
Harald Gabler RMRC Vorstand Rhein-MAin-Radio-Club, Frankfurt

Info via A-DX

Radio St Helena Day 2009

Radio St. Helena Day 2009 will be on Saturday 14th of November 2009.

The ‘Party On-The-Air’ will have the following schedule:
Time in UTC Target Area(s)
20:00 – 21:00 India / Southeast Asia
21:00 – 22:00 Japan / Asia
22:00 – 23:30 Europe
23:30 – 01:00 North America/Central America/Caribbean

The transmission will be on 11092.5 KHz in Upper Side Band, as usual.

Radio St. Helena is very pleased to announce that the newly designed RSD 2009 QSL cards will be sponsored by the highly respected Japan Short Wave Club. This good news has been reported by Mr. T. Ohtake of the JSWC. It can truly be said, that without the very generous help of the JSWC, there would not have been a Radio St. Helena Day Revival in 2006.

To get a QSL from Radio St. Helena, you must send a written and verifiable reception report by AIRMAIL and include sufficient return postage. Email-reports will be not be verified. Recordings will not be returned.

In EURO-countries, please send a 5-Euro banknote. Otherwise, please send 3 or more US dollar banknotes to cover the required return postage.

Radio St. Helena
P.O. Box 93
Jamestown, St. Helena
South Atlantic Ocean
via United Kingdom & Ascension

The last two lines of the above address are very important and should be written as shown. Be sure to use sufficient postage on your letter to RSH.
Ask at your local post office for the correct AIRMAIL postage for your
letter to go all the way to St. Helena.

Emails and telephone calls from DXers everywhere are very welcome during the broadcasts. A special email address for RSD 2009 will, probably, be announced in October.
Gary Walters and his Team at RSH wish everyone excellent listening
conditions, hope that you enjoy the programming, and hope that the sunspots will be kinder to us this year.

Source: Media Network, Robert Kipp/Radio St. Helena via Southgate
http://www.southgatearc.org/news/october2009/radio_st_helena_day.htm# via DXLD

Radio Slovakia Sonder-QSL-Karte

Liebe Hobbyfreunde!

Das Austrian DX Board (ADXB) führt in Zusammenarbeit mit Radio Slovakia International eine Aktion im Zeitraum im Zeitraum von November-2009 bis inklusive Jänner 2010 durch, bei der es eine Sonder-QSL Karte als Belohnung für korrekte Empfangsberichte geben wird.

Anlass ist das 40 Jährige Bestehen des ADXB, des einzigen österreichischen DX-Klubs.

Die Bedingungen, um diese Sonder-QSL Karte zu erlangen, lauten wie folgt:

• Jeder Hobbyfreund, unabhängig von einer Klubmitgliedschaft, erhält für einen korrekten Empfangsbericht im Zeitraum 01.November 2009 bis 31.Jänner 2010 über eine Sendung von Radio Slovakia International eine Sonder-QSL Karte.

• Es kann nur für jede Frequenz EINE Sonder-QSL-Karte ausgegeben werden.

• Berichte, die nicht in diese Bedingungen fallen, werden von Radio Slovakia International mit einer Standard-RSI-Karte bestätigt und fallen nicht in die Statistik der ADXB-Aktion.

• Der Bericht muss über das ADXB, Postfach 1000, A-1081 Wien, Österreich geschickt werden. Für jede Frequenz erhält man maximal eine Karte.

• Alle 6 Sprachdienste von Radio Slovakia International nehmen an der Aktion teil.: Slovakisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch.

• Es wird pro Bericht 1 IRC oder 1 US$ oder 1 € (EURO) als Aufwandsentschädigung vorausgesetzt.

Die QSL-Karten werden direkt von Bratislava aus an den Hörer versandt. Ein Hinweis zur Aktion befindet sich auch auf den Webseiten der ADXB-OE (www.adxb.at) und von Radio Slovakia (www.rozhlas.sk/inetportal/rsi). Dort kann auch der aktuelle Sendeplan abgefragt werden. Sollte jemand diese Möglichkeit nicht haben, so kann via e-mail oder Postadresse diese Info eingeholt werden.

Alle Sendungen kommen aus der Sendezentrale der Slovakei, aus Rimavska Sobota.

Weitere Fragen zur Aktion beantwortet gerne die ADXB über
das Postfach 1000, A-1081 Wien, Österreich oder via e-mail an adxbsuess(at)aon.at (in deutsch, englisch, französisch, italienisch, spanisch).

Viel Spass bei der Aktion wünscht Euch der Organisator der ADXB,

Harald Süss

Info via Wellenforum


Info via A-DX


Hello friends,

From September 28. until October 4. there will be the 44. DX-Camp
of the Rhein-Main-Radio-Club in Langenselbold near Frankfurt.
As usual during the first days we’ll stick our ears and antennas out to the airwaves for real hardcore DXing, supported by lots of coffie or not so much of red vine or free beer. On friday we offer a warm or cold buffet and on saturday a warm snack.

Fr. and Sat. evening will be some lessons from Manfred Rippich about visiting broadcasting station all over the world Robert Kipp about Radio St. Helena and the St. Helena-Day Nov.09 Harald Gabler shows pictures of the new QSL-Calendar 2010

And the next sensation: The brain new DSP-High-End Receiver RDR54C1 we have got from Fa. Reuter Elekronik for some tests.

All that is the normal procedure every year, one might say, but this year is special. For the first time everyone may watch everthing happening via the magic internet!

Tuesday – Saturday 18.00- 24.00 UTC
on www.rmrc.de
got to: RMRC Webcam
if you will be asked for password: rmrc

Livestream is without audio at webpage

Livestream with audio go for: Link
(only, if there is no test-picture)

Some of our members or other enthusiastic DXers would like to
take part, but can’t, because of various reasons like work, time,
illness or simply ’cause of a to far distance.

For the first time you and any DXer can click in to the DX-Camp and watch, what’s going on. There will be a chat, to talk to DXers present on the event. You may ask them all sorts of questions, like what the hear and where it’s coming from. You may even follow some lectures with your own eyes and ears, even if you’re hundreds of miles away from the meeting. Chats are held in german and englisch and perhaps a mixture of everything european including hands and feet, due to the use of video. And you will get a QSL-Card from this event.

This is following the ideas of Thomas Moeller and Harald Gabler and
realisation Lutz Winkler and they hope to find lots of interested DXers to either come to the meeting, or watch it via the internet.

klick www.rmrc.de to find more about us and our club RMRC.

best 73

Harald Gabler

Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Germany

Info via PlayDX

Radio St Helena Day 2009

Radio St. Helena Day 2009 will be on Saturday, 14. November 2009.
The “Party On-The-Air” will have the following schedule.
Time in UT Target Area(s)
2000–2100 India / Southeast Asia
2100–2200 Japan / Asia
2200–2330 Europe
2330–0100 North America / Central America / Caribbean
The transmission will be on 11092.5 kHz in Upper Side Band, as usual.

Radio St. Helena is very pleased to announce that the newly designed RSD 2009 QSL cards will be sponsored by the highly respected Japan Short Wave Club. This good news has been reported by Mr. T. Ohtake of the JSWC. It can truly be said, that without the very generous help of the JSWC, there would not have been a RSD Revival in 2006.

To get a QSL from Radio St. Helena, you must send a written and
verifiable reception report by AIRMAIL and include sufficient return
postage. Email-reports will be not be verified. Recordings will not be
returned. In EURO-countries, please send a 5-Euro banknote. Otherwise, please send 3 or more US dollar banknotes to cover the required return postage.

Radio St. Helena
P. O. Box 93
Jamestown, St. Helena
South Atlantic Ocean
———— ——— ——–
via United Kingdom & Ascension
———— ——— ——— ——— ———

The last two lines of the above address are very important and should be written as shown. Be sure to use sufficient postage on your letter to RSH. Ask at your local post office for the correct AIRMAIL postage for your letter to go all the way to St. Helena.

Emails and telephone calls from DXers everywhere are very welcome during the broadcasts. A special email address for RSD 2009 will, probably, be announced in October.

Gary Walters and his Team at RSH wish everyone excellent listening
conditions, hope that you enjoy the programming, and hope that the
sunspots will be kinder to us this year.

With best 73’s, (Robert Kipp, Aug 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Source: HCDX Mailingliste

Info via A-DX via HCDX via DXLD

KYOI Saipan

Found this interesting historical site on KYOI Saipan. Interesting facts and sounds about the station. I was a long-time listener to KYOI Saipan in the years 1983 to 1985 and it was my first QSL-card received.

Info via addx.de

Radio St Helena test transmission

Radio St Helena is going to be running a TEST TRANSMISSION on our SW Equipment on Thursday 17th May 2007 at 15:00 GMT. We hope you will be able to tune into 11092.5 Kilohertz USB. If you receive us, we would greatly appreciate an e-mail to confirm your reception to this address asap. This test transmission cannot be QSL’d.
Thank you and best regards

Laura Lawrence (Miss)
Radio Station Manager
Radio St Helena
Tel/Fax: +290 4542

Info via Peter Vaegler on A-DX

RMRC QSL-calendar

Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Frankfurt, Germany proudly present the 2nd edition of the unique QSL-Calendar 2007.
The new calendar will be available to the public from November 2006.

The full colour art print calendar offers real treasures from our historical QSL archives, covering QSL cards from the 1930’s to present. The calender is in English and costs 15 Euro including shipment world wide.
We will give *DXers, DX Clubs, DX-Broadcasters and DX Organisations 20 percent*, ordering 20 copies or more.

The calendar is a beautifull marketing instrument, it is rare, unique and a special gift to business partners dealing with radio business.

All details at our website www.rmrc.de

Harald Gabler

Source: A-DX List

DX-Camp Langenselbold


Der Rhein-Main-Radio-Club läd ein zum DX – Camp 2.- 8.10.06 in Langenselbold.
Ausführliche Einladung auf der Homepage www.rmrc.de
Anmeldung erforderlich.

Di. 3. 10. wird Dirk Oberjasper eine Einführung in das speziell für FM, UHF und VHF- DXing interessante Programm “Radio mobile” geben und zeigen, wie man es nutzen kann und was man alles für phantastische Sachen damit machen kann.

Am Freitag Abend 6.10. bis Samstag wird uns Stefan Brockmann von Winradio den Software defined Receiver Winradio WR-G313e mit DRM vorstellen und an den verschiedenen Antennen testen lassen. Er wird uns Gelegenheit geben, ihn mit Fragen zu löchern.

Ebenfalls auf dem DX-Camp wird der neue QSL-Karten Kalender 2007 präsentiert, dessen Auflage bereits fast komplett ausverkauft ist.
RMRC-Mitglieder erhalten den QSL-Kalenders 2007 für 10 Euro. (statt 14,80 Euro Verkaufspreis).

Eingeladen sind alle DXer. Freibier steht bereit. Gute Laune muß selbst mitgebracht werden.

Harald Gabler
RMRC Vorstand

Quelle: A-DX-Liste