WRTH update A18

We are pleased to announce that the Summer (A18) broadcasting schedules file is now ready for free download. This file is in PDF format (you will need a program that is capable of reading the PDF format, such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.). Please visit http://www.wrth.com and follow the links for ‘updates’. The file is called: WRTH2018IntRadioSuppl2_A18Schedules.pdf
The A18 schedules file contains the broadcasting schedules of over 200 International and Clandestine/target broadcasters; International LW/MW/SW transmitter sites table; International DRM broadcasts; Selected language broadcasts; a ‘by frequency’ table of every frequency used by each station in the main schedule section.
We hope this file will be not only be a useful companion to the printed WRTH, but will also prove indispensable as a standalone source of information.
Best wishes and happy listening/DXing
WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook) Editorial team.