Day: February 13, 2023
WRD 2023: Can radio build peace?
ESPN 1250 in San Antonio gestartet
SAQ Transmission February 13th 2023
AM Italia 13 February 2023
AM Italia sendet heute Montag 13.2.23 anlässlich des Welt-Radio-Tages auch auf Langwelle 207, sowie auf den Mittelwellen 918 und 1323.
Hier der ganze Text in englisch (von Antonella Napolitano) via A-DX:
On the occasion of World Radio Day 2023 proclaimed by UNESCO, tomorrow AM-Italy will broadcast on its 3 licensed frequencies, 207, 918 and 1323 kHz, Guglielmo Marconi’s announcement for the first transatlantic radio transmission on 12th December 1901. This will be followed by an interview to Elettra Marconi talking about her father. A number of Swing songs from the 1930s will intersperse the two contents in rotation.
AM Italia, which broadcasts from Villa Estenste in the North East region of Veneto, is alesure time operation and normally they carry programmes in English from IRRS Shortwave, daily from 1800 to 2210 UTC on 1323 kHz.