Updated some old and new audio files today:
They can be reached via
Some files from the archive more to come
Updates on freeradio.de
Updated some old and new audio files today:
They can be reached via
Some files from the archive more to come
Happy new year to all of you with good health and much more peace in the world.
In 2023 we plan to issue a best of audio files of years 2000 to 2023 as the amount of files is overwhelming. Its also a good chance for me to listen to nice shows again.
Another project is to scan old QSL-cards and info sheets from the years 1988 to 1994 but I still have not found a suitable scanner. There is a lot of rubbish on the market any hints for a good scanner would be welcomed.
The archive from year 2000 is again open. Lots of pirate radio to listen to. All off air recordings. There is no search option for the time being unfortunatelly.
Archive of audio logs 2022 again open:
The FM german long files are migrated to on demand only. Drop me a request at mail@freeradio.de or use the contact form. It is also possible to get one link for the complete folder.
Parts of the tape archive again online without password protection.
Due to running out of disk space the FM audio files are set to request only. Drop me a line at mail@freeradio.de if you like to listen to several files of the years 2007 to 2016. Future plans are to restructure the site and bring more cuts of the tape archive 80th / 90th online as well as info sheets of landbased pirates 80th / 90th. It might be that some past shortwave audio files off air will set to request only as well.
Search the FM audio files here:
20 years of audio logs can be accessed without password again:
Listen to the nice show FRS Holland 12-04-2020:
If you just want a certain file online drop me a line.
All parts of the website are open now. Enjoy it !
I added some offshore radio shows to remember 06-03 and 10-03:
My Live Logs are posted via the HFU europirates-chat. You can scroll back for the historic messages. You have to register at Rocket Chat. Thanks for this nice Chatboard to HFU. It is also reachable via the Listen button at the top of this site.
Merry christmas to everyone.
This year I completed transferring almost the whole radio archive to the cloud. Future plans are scanning my old info sheets and QSL-cards from the late 80th early 90th. I have not found a suitable scanner yet if you can recommend one hints are welcome.
At the top of the page I added a button Listen. Via this button you reach all open radio files, AM audio logs and files from the archive.
All files of the radio archive are in the cloud for easy access and sharing.
More links to articles in German and English will be posted here:
Happy New Year to all! May be 2019 a good peaceful year with good health.
In 2019 I try to post more frequent updates of the online radio archive. You can search what is possible to bring online via:
Requests are welcome. The online radio archive can be reached via:
Gelukkig nieuwjaar in 2019!
2019 is gepland om het online radioarchief te voltooien, waarbij de 400 dvd’s nog steeds ontbreken. QSL-kaarten en infosheets uit de late jaren 80 aan het begin van de jaren 90 moeten nog worden gescand en online worden gebracht. Er zal wat herstructurering plaatsvinden, vooral van dingen met een lage vraag, omdat de ruimte schaars is.
Hoe gaat de vrije radioscène? Over het algemeen wordt een dalende activiteit waargenomen, zijn de autoriteiten erg actief, scheurt de scène zichzelf af in WebSDR Hater en WebSDR Lover, neemt de correspondentie af, evt is nog genoeg voor een chatbericht. Er zijn nog steeds veel geweldige programma’s om te horen, het is de moeite waard om aan te zetten, het maakt niet uit op welke manier. De chatbox is een stil kanaal geworden, vaak gebeurt er urenlang niets en dan komt vaak alleen hetzelfde afval. Dank aan alle stations die geen moeite hebben gespaard om programma’s in de lucht te brengen, 2018 gooit weer iets op de oren.
Happy New Year in 2019!
2019 is planned to complete the online radio archive, still missing the 400 DVDs. QSL cards and infosheets from the late 80s at the beginning of the 90s are still to be scanned and brought online. There will be some restructuring, especially of low-demanded things, because the space is scarce.
How is the free radio scene going? Overall, decreasing activity is observed, the authorities are very active, the scene tears itself in WebSDR Hater and WebSDR Lover, the correspondence decreases, evt is still enough for a chat message. There are still many great programs to hear, it’s worth turning on, no matter which way. The chatbox has become a silent channel, often nothing happens for hours and then often only the same garbage comes. Thanks to all the stations who have spared no effort to bring programs into the air, 2018 gabs again something on the ears.
Happy New Year !
2019 ist geplant, das Online Radioarchiv zu komplettieren, noch fehlen um die 400 DVDs. QSL-karten und Infosheets aus Ende der 80er Jahre Anfang 90er Jahre sollen noch gescannt und online gebracht werden. Es wird einige Restrukturierungen geben, gerade von wenig nachgefragten Sachen, da der Speicherplatz knapp wird.
Wie geht die Free Radio Szene weiter ? Insgesamt ist abnehmende Aktivität zu beobachten, die Behörden sind sehr aktiv, die Szene zerfleischt sich selber in WebSDR-Hater und WebSDR-Lover, die Korrespondenz nimmt ab, evt reichts noch für ne Chatnachricht. Es gibt immer noch viele tolle Programme zu hören, das Einschalten lohnt sich, egal auf welchen Weg. Die chatbox ist zum stummen Kanal geworden, oft tut sich stundenlang nix und wenn dann kommt oft nur der selbe Müll. Danke an alle Stationen die keine Mühe gescheut haben Programme in die Luft zu bringen, 2018 gabs wieder ordentlich was auf die Ohren.
To be informed on new postings of this site Like my site via:
Enjoy the November programme of FRS Holland: