Ukdxer has an excellent updated address list of pirate radio stations. Check it out via:
Ukdxer has an excellent updated address list of pirate radio stations. Check it out via:
Radio WDR again active this Friday on 3920 Khz. Good signal in UK, was on 5885 and 5900 Khz this afternoon. Reports go to the new email address
Announcement Summermeeting 2025!
De SWCHolland Summermeeting zal op Zaterdag 5 Juli 2025 plaatsvinden. Wil je hieraan deelnemen moet je je aanmelden, ook voor de BBQ. Zo weet de organisatie hoeveel mensen komen eten en drinken, om de bestelling te doen. Aanmelden via email of via WhatsApp 0651600198.
Das SWCHolland Summer Meeting findet am Samstag, 5. Juli 2025, statt. Wer teilnehmen mochte, muss sich anmelden, auch fuer das BBQ. Auf diese Weise weiss die Organisation, wie viele Personen zum Essen und Trinken kommen, um die Bestellung aufzugeben. Registrieren Sie sich per E-Mail oder per WhatsApp 0031651600198 (Holland: 0651600198).
SWCHolland Summer Meeting kommer att aga rum lordagen den 5 juli 2025. Vill du delta maste du anmala dig, aven till BBQ. Pa sa satt vet organisationen hur manga som kommer for att ata och dricka for att bestalla. Registrera dig via e-post eller via WhatsApp 0031651600198 (Holland: 0651600198).
The SWCHolland Summer Meeting will take place on Saturday, July 5, 2025. If you want to participate, you must register, also for the BBQ. This way the organization knows how many people come to eat and drink to place the order. Register via email or via WhatsApp 0031651600198 (Holland: 0651600198).
Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook
In This week…
January 19-25.
19 Jan. 1970 [Monday]
20 Jan. 1970 [Tuesday]
21 Jan. 1970 [Wednesday]
22 Jan. 1970 [Thursday]
* NED. MEBO 2 leaves Slikkeveer for its anchorage
23 Jan. 1970 [Friday]
24 Jan. 1970 [Saturday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
25 Jan. 1970 [Sunday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
+ GBR. West London. 1507 kHz MW. Radio Nelson is on air today
— Continue reading In This week… January 19-25.
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International (MRI) will be on the air today 19th January 2025 as follows:
from 1330 to 1730 UTC on 7400 kHz (50 Watts).
Reception reports are welcome to this e-mail address: marconiradiointernational(at)
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.
Stay tuned!
Marconi Radio International
Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook
In This Week.
January 12-18th.
12 Jan. 1970 [Monday]
13 Jan. 1970 [Tuesday]
14 Jan. 1970 [Wednesday]
15 Jan. 1970 [Thursday]
16 Jan. 1970 [Friday]
17 Jan. 1970 [Saturday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
18 Jan. 1970 [Sunday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
+ GBR. West London. 1507 kHz MW. Radio Nelson is on air today Continue reading In This Week. January 12-18th.
Blueman radio is tomorrow onair on 6115 khz 1400 utc to 1500 utc later relay this Programm on my Station 1700 to 1900 utc The Blueman radio via Gringo Radio thanks
Info via chat
Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook
In this Week…
January 5-11
05 Jan. 1970 [Monday]
06 Jan. 1970 [Tuesday]
07 Jan. 1970 [Wednesday]
08 Jan. 1970 [Thursday]
09 Jan. 1970 [Friday]
10 Jan. 1970 [Saturday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
11 Jan. 1970 [Sunday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
+ GBR. West London. 1507 kHz MW. Radio Nelson is on air today Continue reading In this Week… January 5-11
Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook
Happy New Year!
The second half of In This Week, January 1-4
01 Jan. 1970 [Thursday]
02 Jan. 1970 [Friday]
03 Jan. 1970 [Saturday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
04 Jan. 1970 [Sunday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
+ GBR. West London. 1507 kHz MW. Radio Nelson is on air today Continue reading On this week January 1-4
Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook
Up to the end of the year
There would probably be too many for one post if I did this a week, so this is for December 29-31.
As usual, if you can add to, or correct, anything please do.
29 Dec. 1970 [Tuesday]
+ GBR. 221 m [1357 kHz] MW. Radio Big L is on air 10:00-14:00
30 Dec. 1970 [Wednesday]
+ GBR. 221 m [1357 kHz] MW. Radio Big L is on air 10:00-14:00
31 Dec. 1970 [Thursday]
29 Dec. 1971 [Wednesday]
+ GBR. London. 92.4 FM. Invicta Radio is on air today
30 Dec. 1971 [Thursday]
+ GBR. London. 92.4 FM. Invicta Radio is on air today
31 Dec. 1971 [Friday] Continue reading On this day 29 Dec – 31 Dec