Radio 101 27035 Khz

Radio 101 being heard. On their website they have this information: “In summer, if the propagation conditions are good (Sporadic E), the shortwave transmitter on the frequency 27.035 KHz is switched on as a test; this frequency is in the upper shortwave range and can be received with most “world receivers” or any CB radio.

Info via Facebook

For the first time a DJ set on shortwave: “Nine Sessions” on April 4, 2021

For the first time you could hear a DJ set on shortwave: “Nine Sessions” on April 4, 2021

DJane Miss Nine presents her favorites in House music all over Europe!

For 35 years, “Funky Sounds 4 Central Europe” can be heard in the Charlie Prince Show. On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, listeners will benefit from a new test: An actual DJ set on shortwave! Radio Joystick (JOY) will broadcast the one-hour DJ set “Nine Sessions” on April 4, 2021.
The rousing house sounds will make you dance on Easter Sunday after the Charlie Prince show at 1 p.m. German time on 7330 kHz (KW, 41-m band); at the mixing console will be DJane Miss Nine aka Kristin Schrot. She introduces her favorites in house musicto shortwave fans all over Europe!

Celebrities celebrate their arrival at JOY:
DJane Miss Nine aka Kristin Schrot, busy worldwide and globally booked with a sure sense for house and ambient music, will contribute her DJ set. Her one-hour Nine sessions are already being played on numerous webradios. The Amsterdam-based DJane even runs her own record label.
Kristin Schrot also can be found on the catwalk: she is the face of a Levi’s collection and a Pioneer DJ product line! Born in Oberweißbach, Thuringia, she began her career as a celebrated model at the age of 16. With the beginning of this millennium she discovered her talent as a DJane – and for the first time in this millennium her current DJ set “Nine Sessions” is available on shortwave all over Europe – on Radio Joystick, in short: JOY!

Charlie Prince Show: Every first Sunday of the month at 12 noon German time on 7330 kHz.

Atlantic 2000 on the air on Monday 1st of February 2021

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air on Monday, 1st of February from 0900 to 1000 UTC on 3 frequencies: 3955 ; 6070 and 9670 kHz
to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Channel 292.
The stream will be available at the same time on our website.

Good listening!

New : Our stream is online 24 hours a day :
Visit our website:
Listen to our Podcasts and follow us:

FRS Holland Season’s Greetings

Dear FRS Friend!

Christmas 2020 casts its shadow forward and we are approaching the end of 2020. An almost (?) surrealistic year.
Perspectives for 2021 are hopeful but it will take time and patience before our hopes will be fulfilled, looking at the upcoming start
of vaccination.

Special year
For us at FRS-Holland it was a special year too. 2020 marked our 200th official shortwave broadcast back in August and the icing
on the cake was the celebration of our 40th Anniversary a few weeks ago. April saw a broadcast of hope right in the middle of the
first Covid-19 wave. Last Summer we did an experiment with The FRS Summer Splash: three successive thematic broadcasts.

40th Anniversary broadcast
The November 8th on air 40th anniversary celebration exceeded our expectations. That day we were heard with good signals on – apart
from 7700 & 5790- also on 6195, 6160, 3920. A great success!
I remember that Saturday I went to our P.O.Box 2702… it was crammed with letters…snailmail! Together with all e-mails we can only
be happy and proud. The comprehensive preparations to make it an interesting, successful and memorable broadcast paid off!

CD, Booklet & QSL
It’s my guess it won’t surprise you that the months prior to November 8th were fully focused on preparing, organizing etc. There was
no time for other ‘business’. Nevertheless we felt it was the right moment for a souvenir CD ánd booklet. And: we had to work on creating/
producing an unique Anniversary QSL as well. It was not until a week after the Anniversary broadcast that a start was made to produce
the CD, booklet and QSL.

In the mean time the ‘ingredients’ for the CD have been finished. The main idea for the special QSL card has been worked out and even better:
the QSL has already been printed. Those who send a reception report/letter to P.O.Box 2702 will not regret it: the 40th Anniversary QSL
is (in my humble opinion) a success and looks splendid. It’s a folded A4, printed on heavy quality paper in full color. Wait and see!

For those who sent an e-mail report, regretting (after reading the above) they didn’t go for a hard copy: you can still get your unique QSL
by writing to P.O.Box 2702. We have printed a few extra ones but remember: this QSL is only issued for the 40th Anniversary broadcast!
Without exaggeration: the hard copy QSL is by far the best option!
The CD & booklet will be finished in the next few days. Final conclusion: a bit of patience is required.

Traditional December broadcast
The FRS Seasonal December broadcast is scheduled for Sunday December 27th, the day after Boxing Day. It’s a tradition we won’t give up.
So except a nice mix of great music, items & information in a few weeks’ time.
More info will follow via mail and on our website.

FRS Holland December Broadcast

Traditional December broadcast
The FRS Seasonal December broadcast is scheduled for Sunday December 27th, the day after Boxing Day. It’s a tradition we won’t give up.
So except a nice mix of great music, items & information in a few weeks’ time.
More info will follow via mail and on our website.

FRS-Holland upcoming 40th Anniversary

Dear FRS Friend,

We’re approaching the moment that we have been looking forward to for a long time: the celebration of 40 years of shortwave

Following our successful 200th official broadcast back in August, this really is a milestone.
For already quite some time, intensive preparations have been taking place and we’ve done the best we could to provide an
attractive broadcasting schedule.

Of course we hope on your company next Sunday! For details please check our website. .

73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team

Atlantic 2000 on the air this Saturday 17th of October 2020

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday 17th of October, from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC on 9670 kHz (only) via Channel 292.

Streams will be available at the same time on our website:

or directly here:

64 kbps :

24 kbps :
The Podcast will be online after the transmission.

Good listening!

Visit our website:
Listen to our Podcasts and follow us:



GULF OF MEXICO, October 2, 2020 – Texas Radio Shortwave, an American free radio station, today announced a program change for October 2020.

Texas Radio Shortwave will broadcast a tribute to Texas music legend Doug Sahm on October 17 instead of the previously announced Ladies of Texas Music Special.

The Doug Sahm Tribute will air on Channel 292 from Rohrbach, Germany with 10 kW of power. Frequencies and air times on October 17 are 9670 kHz at 0200 and 6070 kHz at 0900 UTC.

Listener Ron Melcher of Collegeville, Pennsylvania USA contributed the playlist and introduces the program.

The lineup on Channel 292 for the rest of 2020 has not changed: November 21 – anniversary rebroadcast of Texas Radio Shortwave’s inaugural program; December 19 – rebroadcast of the 2019 Pre-Christmas Music Special; and December 25 – the Texas Christmas Music Special.

Texas Radio Shortwave will send a limited-edition Doug Sahm electronic verification to listeners sending correct, detailed reception reports for the broadcast. The email address is

Reception reports should include times, song titles, the text of announcements, a SINPO/SIO signal rating, information on the listener’s receiver and antenna, and comments on the program content. Listeners should mention if they use a remote software-defined radio (SDR) and the receiver’s location. Audio clips are welcomed.

Listeners worldwide may tune to Texas Radio Shortwave broadcasts using an SDR like the one at the University of Twente in The Netherlands. The URL is

Texas Radio Shortwave sails in international waters off the South Texas coast. Its programs are regularly broadcast in Europe and occasionally in North America.



GULF OF MEXICO, September 19, 2020/ – Texas Radio Shortwave, an American free radio station, today announced its program lineup for October through December 2020.

Texas Radio Shortwave offers programs featuring music by Texas artists, except for some rebroadcasts of programs from its early days. The older programs are clearly identified during the broadcasts.

Programs will air on Channel 292 from Rohrbach, Germany with 10 kW of power. Frequencies and air times — with one exception — are 0200 UTC on 9670 kHz and 0900 UTC on 6070 kHz.

The exception is Christmas Day, with broadcasts at 0200 UTC on 9670 kHz and 1900 UTC on 6070 kHz.

The lineup for the rest of 2020 looks like this: October 17 – Ladies of Texas Music Special; November 21 – rebroadcast of Texas Radio Shortwave’s first program from 2019; December 19 – rebroadcast of the Pre-Christmas Music Special from 2019; and December 25 – the Texas Christmas Music Special.

Texas Radio Shortwave sends limited-edition commemorative electronic verifications to listeners sending correct, detailed reception reports. The email address is

Reception reports should include times, song titles, the text of announcements, a SINPO/SIO signal rating, information on the listener’s receiver and antenna, and comments on the program content. Listeners using a remote software-defined radio (SDR) should mention that. Audio clips are welcomed.

Listeners worldwide may tune to Texas Radio Shortwave broadcasts using an SDR like the one at the University of Twente in The Netherlands. The URL is

Texas Radio Shortwave sails in international waters off the South Texas coast. Its programs are broadcast regularly in Europe and occasionally in North America.

Atlantic 2000 on the air – Saturday, August 15 2020

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air on Saturday 15th of August, from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC
on 6070 and 9670 kHz (new frequency) via Channel 292.

Streams will be available at the same time here:

Good listening!

Visit our website:
Listen to our Podcasts and follow us:

very final SRG – eQSL for programmes via

Thank you for taking the time to email us your transmission report.
And we are very happy that you liked our programmes!
This is our very final eQSL for you! We hope you like it?!

Please note however and spread the news:
We are very sorry about these inconveniences!

In the future only correct “snail-mail” reports with sufficient return postage
will be answered with our unique paper printed QSL-cards!

SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY will be back later in the year for you, hopefully!
See you then! Take care, stay safe and healthy!

Yours truly

Jan Hendrik
Skyline Radio Germany – SRG
P.O.Box 2702
NL-6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

The Radio Ship stream

URGENT MESSAGE FROM The RADIO SHIP. Unfortunately our stream network provider has switched to new infrastructure overnight with us receiving no notice of the changes. This means absolutely EVERY listening platform including our own App and website can’t find us. We had NO warning of this, so although we are streaming, it’s like trying to run a transmitter without an aerial. It will take WEEKS to get everything up and running again thanks to our streaming provider. The problem is I don’t have the time to track down all the platforms and give them the new stream addresses because as a full time carer for Lynn I’m in demand. I don’t even know many of the platforms. I feel over 6 years of building this station up as just been ripped away beneath my feet and it’s just drained the life out of my soul. BUT we will be back, if you want us to start again? We will change to a new stream provider who hopefully will have a more professional attitude to even small fry like us. So sorry about the break, but we will be back step by step in a week or so.

Info via Facebook



THE HALLMARK OF QUALITY IS BACK AGAIN! kindly gave us the 6th possibility to be on air with some brandnew shows via their transmitters in Northern Germany.

If you would like to try to catch our programmes, 6 hours on Saturday, July 25th, 2020, Saturday, 16.00 – 22.00 UTC would be a good time to give us a listen again.

Try the 75 and 49 metre band shortwave on 3975 and possibly 6160 kHz!

It is the very last chance for you to grab our FINAL eQSL-card design!
Attention: This one is available as eQSL-card only!
In the future only “snail-mail” reports with sufficient return postage will be answered with our paper printed QSL-cards!

For our listeners outside of Europe: please check the various WebSDRs, and we will verify every correct reception report with our eQSL also.

We look forward to your reception reports, criticisms and commendations to:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands or via e-mail to:

Have a great time with us and Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik


DAS QUALITÄTSIEGEL IST ZURÜCK! hat uns freundlicherweise die Möglichkeit gegeben, zum sechsten Mal über seine Sender in Norddeutschland mit unseren Shows auf Sendung zu sein.

Wenn Sie versuchen möchten, unsere Programme zu empfangen, 6 Stunden am 25. Juli 2020, Samstag von 16.00 – 22.00 Uhr UTC wäre wieder ein guter Zeitpunkt, um uns wieder zuzuhören.

Probieren Sie das 75 und 49 Meterband Kurzwelle auf 3975 und 6160 kHz!

Es ist die letzte Gelegenheit, unser finales eQSL-Karten-Design abzugreifen.
Achtung: Dieses ist nur als eQSL-Karte zu erhalten.
Zukünftig werden nur “Schneckenpost”-Berichte mit ausreichendem Rückporto mit unseren gedruckten QSL-Karten beantwortet.

Für unsere Hörer außerhalb Europas: Bitte nutzen Sie die verschiedenen WebSDRs, und wir werden jeden korrekten Empfangsbericht mit unserer eQSL bestätigen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Empfangsberichte und Kommentare an:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, Niederlande oder per E-Mail an

Viel Spaß bei uns und Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik