
Zender Johan is on 1645 Khz at 0655 Utc with SINPO 44444 in United Kingdom. Zender Monte Carlo is on 1645 Khz at 0659 Utc with SINPO 24333 in United Kingdom. Zender Stormvogel is on 1645 Khz at 0702 Utc with SINPO 24333 in United Kingdom. Tentative Zender Moonlight is on 1645 Khz at 0706 Utc with SINPO 24333.


Radio Nachtparade plays dutch music on 1650 Khz at 1905 Utc with SINPO 34433 in United Kingdom. Is asking for reports. Radio Happy Miner answers on 1645 Khz at 1918 Utc with SINPO 24433 in United Kingdom. Tentative Zender Spanningzoeker is on 1650 Khz at 1937 Utc with SINPO 24433 in United Kingdom. Tentative Radio Tamboer is on 1645 Khz at 1950 Utc with SINPO 24433 in United Kingdom.