Cruisin Radio on WBCQ Starting Friday

Cruisin Radio on WBCQ Starting this Friday

Cruisin Radio’s Arthur Burton and WBCQ’s Allan Weiner are both people with a long reputation of being pirates at some time in their past, albeit on different sides of the pond, and in Arthur’s case even present, so when two pirates join together does that make Maine’s WCBQ Short Wave now a sort of super pirate?

Starting on the 1st of October, Cruisin Radio will be doing weekly hour broadcasts every Friday initially for two months at 2300 UTC on 6160 kHz, that will be 7pm EDT and 12 Midnight in the UK during October, but that changes when those times go back an hour when the clocks change at the end of October.

Cruisin Radio is an Internet station of some years standing, started and run by Arthur Burton, a pirate of many decades experience, going back to the 1970’s, when he started on Radio Jackie and later Sun Radio London. He was on Nova Italy, RFL and appeared on the ship borne R. Caroline in the 80’s. Cruisin Radio thrives on quality in both music and presentation and is on the net 24/7 as well as Short Wave at times.
E-QSL’s will be available by going to the Cruisin Radio contact page

Web site:
Chatroom (not always open):
Latest News:
Contact Page:

If you can please donate to help Cruisinradio. We don’t make any money out of providing you free and unique entertainment, and computers, hardware costs etc. have to be paid for somehow! Thank you!

Radio Sylvia 2 Oktober 2021

Moin aus dem Norden! Am 2. Oktober um 18 Uhr entern wir wieder unser Studio Nord und präsentieren euch sechs pralle Stunden lang live die neue “Radiorandale”. Von 19 bis 20 Uhr gibt’s die Neuheiten-Show, und in unserer “Stunde der Wahrheit” (22 bis 23 Uhr) werden wir die Bundestagswahl musikalisch kommentieren 😎 Zu hören sind wir wieder online sowie auf Kurzwelle 6070 und 3955 kHz. Seid dabei! 🎧🎸

New youtube channel – Ben’s Radio Visuals

Dear all,

Since 1999 I have been filming predominantly radio DJ’s, but also radiostations, quite frequently. Personally I love to watch a DJ at work.

Also, I visited the Dutch Zeezender/Radiodays and filmed all the interviews. With all that I have built-up quite a large video archive throughout the years.

On this channel I will be sharing the material that I have in my archive. And, as Mary Payne once wrote on her website : “No Big L RSL would be complete without the sight of Ben Meijering with a digital video camera grafted to his arm!”

This is the url :
Enjoy and please pass-on this message!!

Kind regards

Ben Meijering (aka LosGoud)