so… February 29…
29 Feb. 1976
+ GBR. London. 1331 kHz MW. Radio Corsair is on air 13:00-14:00
29 Feb. 1980
+ GBR. Wolverhampton. 1332 kHz MW. UK Radio is on air this evening 19:00-22:00 with Paul Johnson and David Jarvis
29 Feb. 1984
+ GBR. Ludlow. 1017 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Sunshine Radio is on air today
+ IRL. Tramore. 1026 kHz MW and 101.0 FM. ABC Radio is on air 07:00-01:00 today
+ GBR. SW London. 1332 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Radio Jackie is on air today
+ GBR. SE London. 1413 kHz MW and 90.2 FM. on air 7 days a week, Skyline Radio is on air today 06:00-00:00
+ GBR. London. 102.8 FM. JFM is on air 24 hours a day
+ GBR. London. 104.5 FM. Horizon Radio is on air 24 hours a day
29 Feb. 1988
+ IRL. Tramore. 1026 kHz MW and 101.0 FM. ABC Radio is on air today
+ GBR. Camborne. 1503 kHz MW. Radio Argus Cornwall is on air 07:00-23:00
Mar. 1973
* GBR. London. 1127 kHz MW. A station that takes itself very seriously, Radio Kaleidoscope re-starts broadcasts on 266m MW. It is concerned with the too light-hearted approach to broadcasting by both licensed and unlicensed stations. Broadcasts generally are on Sundays 10:00- 15:00, plus an FM service (KFM), via the LTIR, on Thursday nights, on 94.4 mHz the ‘Kaleidoscope’ name had previously been used by a different station broadcasting from Southend in Essex. [Can someone provide dates please?]
* GBR. London. Towards the middle of the month, Radio Columbia closes down following a raid. This station had been the follow-on from Radio Free Zettron. [date please?]
Mar. 1974
* GBR. Felsham, Suffolk. Radio Albatross starts broadcasts on Sundays this month on 1160 kHz MW, with occasional FM broadcasts in Bury St Edmunds. [The date of the first broadcast would be appreciated]
Mar. 1977
* FIN. 6235 kHz SW. Radio Sylvania International, formed from the ashes of Radio Urbino, starts broadcasts with a 150-watt rig, featuring DJ Daniel, playing a curious mixture of rock ‘n’ roll and soul music. [another date – or dates – needed here if possible please]
Mar. 1978
* IRL. Co Kildare. 1120.5 kHz MW with 500 watts, Radio Cill Dara starts broadcasts in this month, these run initially on Sundays, ‘later’ increasing to Saturdays and Wednesday nights [what was the first Sunday, and what date did these broadcasts increase to Sats and Weds please?]
Mar. 1979
* GBR Wolverhampton. 104.0 FM. Jack Jones joins UK Radio [if someone knows what date this was, it will be helpful?]
Mar. 1981
* GBR. Wolverhampton. 94.2 FM. Adam Logan joins UK Radio. He leaves later in the year but the station by now is covering all Wolverhampton, much of the West Midlands and parts of Shropshire. [Two dates needed here, if someone can help please?]
Mar. 1983
* GBR. Liverpool. It is believed Liverpool Broadcasting Company closed down around this time [Can someone provide a more precise date please?]
* GBR. Liverpool. 954 kHz MW. KGW is heard this month on ‘314m’ [can someone please provide dates?]
Mar 1984
GBR. London. After a tip off during a raid, Horizon Radio asks the Gas board if their signal has been causing interference. It turns out the Gas board are using equipment with no filtering. After some experimentation, they discover, with the gas board’s cooperation, that any transmitter above 102.6 FM is going to interfere. They therefore move from 104.5 to 102.5 and no interference is noted. This info is passed to Skyline Radio, but its signal is far enough not to have much effect, and to JFM who think this is an excuse for Horizon moving down to be near their frequency and do not take it seriously. This is to develop over the next few months into a toxic situation. The date the frequency change took place is not known at this time, and so the date given below may be incorrect. In addition, Radio Jackie was to start FM broadcasting along with MW around this time, but no dates are known at present
[Again, its all about the dates, These events are believed to have happened in this month, but if that is wrong, and / or someone could provide a more precise date, that would be wonderful.]
Mar. 1985
* IRL. Galway. 846 kHz MW and 104.0 FM, moving to 102.7 FM in May plus adding 6240 kHz SW. WLS Music Radio starts broadcasting, founded by Keith York and Don Stevens
[I need a date here please? Plus when in May the change of frequency occurred]
* NED.1508 kHz MW. In this month, Radio Orang Utang starts broadcasts. This frequency is also used by Radio Torenvalk, when they are not on their usual 1094 kHz channel.
[Could someone provide dates for how long Torenvalk had used this frequency and what date Orang Utan started please?]
* GBR. Colchester. East FM starts broadcasting, initially from behind the counter of a record shop in the town centre! After 4 broadcasts, the station increases its power from 20 to 50 watts, moves to new premises, and moves its frequency to 95.3 mHz FM. DJs are Garry Lee and Jay Johnson.
[Dates, dates, dates… :-)]
Mar. 1987
* GBR. Colchester. 90.9 FM. Radio Freedom closes down, and Freedom Overflow takes over. Each broadcast has its own title, and there is a radio party of some sort!
[Does someone know when this happens please?]
Mar. 1988
* GBR. Bristol. 105.2 FM BAD Radio is back this month albeit only sporadically following the raid in February.
Bert Bridges
Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook