In This week… January 19-25.

Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook

In This week…
January 19-25.
19 Jan. 1970 [Monday]
20 Jan. 1970 [Tuesday]
21 Jan. 1970 [Wednesday]
22 Jan. 1970 [Thursday]
* NED. MEBO 2 leaves Slikkeveer for its anchorage
23 Jan. 1970 [Friday]
24 Jan. 1970 [Saturday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
25 Jan. 1970 [Sunday]
+ GBR. Somercotes. 1320 kHz MW and occasionally on 6230 kHz SW. Radio UK International is on air today
+ GBR. West London. 1507 kHz MW. Radio Nelson is on air today
Continue reading In This week… January 19-25.

Marconi Radio International 19 January 2025

Please be advised that Marconi Radio International (MRI) will be on the air today 19th January 2025 as follows:

from 1330 to 1730 UTC on 7400 kHz (50 Watts).

Reception reports are welcome to this e-mail address: marconiradiointernational(at)

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.

Stay tuned!

Marconi Radio International