Logs 31-12-05

again nice signal strength and good conditions on New Year’s Eve. Nice programmes on the last day of 2005. Happy New Year to all.
greetings Achim

Date 31/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.210,0 0907 Radio Alfa Lima 45444 9+5dB

6.219,0 0902 LHH (tent) 24322 6
6.266,0 1445 unid 24322 6 E

6.275,0 0840 Radio East Coast Holland 45444 9+10d
6.290,0 1109 Radio Happy Miner 33433 8

6.290,0 1029 Westcoast 23333 8

6.295,0 0921 Radio Dr Tim 34433 8
6.296,0 1440 unid 23322 6

6.299,0 1411 Radio Skywire 24333 6
6.300,0 1043 Radio Boomerang 45444 9+5dB

6.300,0 1454 unid 34433 7
6.303,0 1459 unid 34433 7

6.305,0 1212 unid 45444 9

6.305,0 1252 Radio Boomerang 45434 9
6.306,0 0843 Magic AM 34433 8

6.310,0 1415 unid 32432 7 Du
6.313,0 1254 unid 24433 8

6.330,0 1326 Radio Blackbird 35444 8
6.878,0 1337 Pirate Music (tent) 24433 6