Zender Paardenkracht is on 6324 Khz at 1015 Utc with SINPO 25433 S=6. Plays dutch music, 5 minutes later fade out. Very unsteady and bad conditions this sunday morning.
Radio Tarzan
Radio Tarzan is on 6300 Khz at 0955 Utc with SINPO 35444. Very unsteady signal sometimes O=1/2. Plays some 80th pop-music. SMS go to +31 653234140 and email-address is tools(@)planet.nl.
UNID 6285 Khz
Hear an UNID station on 6285 Khz at 0922 Utc. First SINPO 45444 S=9, 3 minutes later fade out. Very unsteady conditions today. Plays some Oldies.
Another UNID station showed up on 6265 Khz at 0910. O=1/2 too weak to identify.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 0835 Utc with SINPO 45444. Chris Ise plays 80th pop-music. Nice to hear a moderated programme over Mystery Radio. 48m band is only open for long-distance reception at the moment.
Radio Underground
Radio Underground is on 6311 Khz at 0825 Utc with SINPO 25433 S=7. Nice steady signal and lots of logs are read out from Dr Tim’s pirate news. Also some audio cuts of stations heard. Emails go to radiounderground(@)go.com. The tentative hotline number is +44 7908556163.
Radio Borderhunter
Radio Borderhunter is on 3905 Khz at 2225 Utc with SINPO 45444 S=9. Plays some pop-music of the 80th. OP Frans is also trying to reach the USA with a new antenna. Transatlantic season is now starting and Borderhunter was already heard in USA on 48 metre band friday night. Email-address is borderhunterradio(@)hotmail.com.
UNID 1636 Khz
An unidentified dutch station is on 1636 Khz at 2110 Utc with SINPO 44444. Signal is sometimes weaker, plays nonstop dutch music and some announcements by a female DJ. Utopia is mentioned but I have not heard a clear ID yet.
Radio Sensation
Radio Sensation is on 3905 Khz at 2052 Utc with SINPO 34333 S=8. Shortly after the identification fade out , fade in again at 2058 Utc, high noise level. Plays some dutch music.
Radio Spaceman
Radio Spaceman is on 3927 Khz at 1600 Utc with SINPO 45444 9+10dB. Good signal and nice country music.
Later some hours off. Received Spaceman again on 3927 Khz at 2100 Utc with SINPO 45434. Plays some Oldies and answers SMS and emails.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1520 Utc with SINPO 45444. Plays nonstop pop-music with short ID-jingles.
UNID 6290 Khz
Heard an unidentified station on 6290 Khz from 1440 Utc with polkas and Schlager. Good signal SINPO 45444 S=9+10dB, gone at around 1520 Utc. May be it was Radio Mazda.
Radio Zodiac / Westcoast Radio
Radio Zodiac and Westcoast Radio are doubling each other on 6311 Khz at 1512 Utc. Both arrive with O=2. It is a QSO going on.
Radio Bonofox
Radio Bonofox is on 6281 Khz at 1505 Utc with SINPO 33443. Some interference from a legal asian station on 6280 Khz. Nice music and programme. Emails go to radiobonofox(@)hotmail.com.
Radio Tarzan
Radio Tarzan is on 6301 Khz at 1445 Utc with SINPO 34444 S=8.
Radio Boomerang
Radio Boomerang is on 6310 Khz at 1445 Utc with SINPO 45444 S=9+10dB. Short test with pop-music.
Radio Shadowman answered on 6305 Khz at 1449 Utc with SINPO 45444 S=9+10dB.
Zender Robby
Zender Robby is on 6275 Khz at 1440 Utc with SINPO 24433. Nice signal and he plays pop-music.
Other pirate radio stations are on 6281 Khz, 6290 Khz, 6301 Khz and Boomerang on 6310 Khz at 1440 Utc.
UNID 6276 Khz
Heard a strong dutch station on 6276 Khz at 1110 Utc with SINPO 44444. Plays dutch polka and pop-music short announcements and off at 1122 Utc. But no identification.
There is now a weaker station on frequency 6275 Khz. SINPO 24333 at 1122 Utc S=6 seems to be Laser Hot Hits. Heard no clear ID but the postal address in Merlin, Ontario Canada is mentioned.
Cupid Radio on 19 metres
hi dx`rs
this saturday i have planned a test broadcast on 15.075 mhz
i got a brand new antenna system for the 19 mtr band, and would like to test how it works
starting at 14:30 utc
well let me hear if you catch anything
73`s rinus
cupid radio
p.o.box 9
8096 ZG
Source: SWpirates
Radio Whitesnake
hello guys
right now on 6305 khz at 20:30 utc radio whitesnake with the rock show
we would be very pleased if you send a sms or call to the studio
73`s jaap
0031 629178050
No signal at my QTH. With the early darkness only Mystery Radio is heard on 48m band at 2000 Utc.
Radio Luchtpiraat
Unter http://www.luchtpiraat.nl/ ist die Seite von Radio Luchtpiraat erreichbar. Dies ist ein UKW-Piratensender, der mit 200 watt aus einem Heißluftballon sendet. Auf der Seite ist die Technik beschrieben, Fotos sollen folgen.
Quelle: Radioforum ukwtv.de
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1530 Utc with SINPO 34433. Plays nonstop pop-music and rare ID-jingles.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1605 Utc with SINPO 45434. Plays nonstop pop-msuic with ID-jingles. Loud and clear some fading on frequency.
Radio aus Südtirol
Radio in den Achtzigern aus Südtirol, vom Gardasee und in der südbayerischen Region
Unter http://home.arcor.de/vito-online/radio.htm gibt es viele Zeitungsartikel über die damalige Radiogeschichte. Interessant zu lesen. Die Südtiroler Sender sendeten damals nicht lizensiert nach Süddeutschland und berreicherten das Radioangebot mit frischen Privatfunk zu einer Zeit, wo es in Deutschland noch kaum Privatfunk gab.
Quelle: http://www.ukwtv.de
Radio Fab.com
Under http://www.radiofab.com/ you can purchase pirate and offshore radio CDs, videos and books. 105 items are in the category pirate radio.
Thanks to Felix Lechte on A-DX list.
Greek mediumwave pirates visited
Greek mediumwave pirates were visited by finnish DXer Harri Kujala. Read his report on the Alfalima-forum. Later photos of his trip will be published under http://www.harrikujala.tk/.
It is nice to learn more about these balkan stations sometimes booming in above 1610 Khz at evenings. Mostly they do not speak english but there were some QSOs between dutch and balkan mediumwave pirates.