Radio Spaceshuttle is on 9290 Khz LSB-mode at 1800 Utc. Reception is fair, O=2/3, some noise on frequency but speech is quite clear. Programme deals with received reception reports and some music. The programme is called spacebox and it is the letterbox of Radio Spaceshuttle International.
Radio Spaceshuttle
Dear Listeners,
We wish to have better radioconditions back again and will serve The BluePlanet with our special SpaceBox program this evening on 9290 LSB.
Programme will include best ever MusicBox and also September Letterbox, Captain Dick reading latest letters came to Spaceshuttle…
So, if any interests, please try to catch us from 16:30 to a. 19 UTC….
Responce welcome ….as always…. QSL’s are ready for you….
Dick of Space
new audio files till 03-09-06
The few audio files from last week are up. Listen to Likedeeler, Spaceshuttle, Korak and so on.
No station heard Monday evening at 1730 Utc. Laser Hot Hits is missed very much on the 48m band.
The Pirate Tapes
This blog features links to some off-air recordings of free radio stations that broadcast from all over Europe on short wave and medium wave in the 1980s and 1990s. The idea is to share some memories of that era with some classic pirate sounds.
An excellent idea and a new blog to me. I have lost all my off-air tapes from that era.
Thanks to uk dxer for the link.
Radio Underground
Quick band check at 1945 Utc reveals Radio Underground still on 6311 Khz. Good reception with O=3/4 booming in. No other pirate station heard. Reflections Europe is active on 6295 Khz and 3910 Khz.
So this weekend was again best for long distance reception.
Zender Zeelandia
Zender Zeelandia is on 6300 Khz at 1400 Utc with Polkas. Reception is good with O=3/4, some fading.
During most of the day Radio Underground was the only station heard on 48m band, still on at 1400 Utc.
logs till 03-09-06
again long-skip conditions only a few stations heard. Saturday morning and afternoon nothing on 48m Band. Sunday morning mostly only Underground heard.
greetings achim
Date 02/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
3.927,0 2225 Radio Korak International 34433 9
Date 03/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.247,0 1036 unid (Westcoast ??) 24333 6
6.247,0 0853 unid 23322 5
6.281,0 0756 Orion Radio 23433 7
6.290,0 1140 unid (Mazda ??) 43443 8
6.300,0 0836 Radio Enjyo Deluxe 24333 6
6.306,0 0756 unid 23433 7
6.311,0 0816 Radio Underground 24433 7
Date 28/08
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.310,0 1943 Radio Likedeeler 23333 6
Date 31/08
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
9.290,0 1735 Radio Spaceshuttle 23322 6 LSB
UNID 6290 Khz
Another dutch UNID station is on 6290 Khz at 1140 Utc with Schlager and Polkas. Reception is only O=2, the computer makes a lot of noise on this frequency and signal strength is mostly weak. May be it is Radio Mazda ?
UNID 6247 Khz
An UNID station is on 6247 Khz at 1040 Utc playing Oldies. Reception is poor with O=2, much noise and fading. It sounded like a dutch station (Westcoast ??).
Radio Enjoy Deluxe
Radio Enjoy Deluxe is on 6300 Khz at 0845 Utc. Reception is fair with O=3, somne noise and fading on frequency. Programme is easy listening music.
Radio Underground
Radio Underground is on 6311 Khz at 0815 Utc with the usual loggings and audio files. For example Radio Mazda is mentioned. Reception is quite good with O=3. Seems to be a long-skip sunday again.
Yesterday reception was bad , no station received during morning and afternoon on 48m band.
Orion Radio
Orion Radio is on 6281 Khz at 0800 Utc. Plays We love the pirate stations and Santa Maria from Roland Kaiser. Reception was first O=3 with Fading, some minutes later O=4 with strong signal. Orion Radio is closing down at 0805 Utc.
Mr T-Rex signs on with On Air AM on 6246 Khz. Another station is on 6306 Khz but now lost in Fading.
MV Baltic Radio on 6045 Khz
MV Baltic Radio this Sunday
3th of September
1200 UTC
6045 kHz
Good listening
EMR is on 17th September 1200 utc
Radio Korak International
Radio Korak International is on 3927 Khz at 2230 Utc. Reception is fair with O=3, some fading and noise on frequency. The station can be contacted via +31 620073908. Radio Korak International is back on shortwave after some months of absence. Emails go to radiokorak(@)
Radio Spaceshuttle
Radio Spaceshuttle is on 9290 Khz LSB-mode at 1735 Utc with O=2/3. Different not well-known music and some pop-music from the 80th and 90th is played. There is some noise on frequency but mostly the signal from RSI is stronger. Emails go to radiospaceshuttle(@) or spaceshuttleradio(@)
Thanks to Dick Spacewalker for announcing the shows via email, which makes it possible to tune in to the out-of-band frequencies.
6. Erkrather Radiotag am 9. Sept. 2006
Der 6. Erkrather Radiotag am 9. Sept. 2006
An diesem Samstag veranstalten wir wieder das Treffen für Radiomacher und Hörer in den Räumen des Observatoriums. Die Veranstaltung findet von 14.00 Uhr bis 21.00 Uhr der Sternwarte Neanderhöhe SNH, in 40699 Erkrath statt. Einlass ist ab 12.00 Uhr.
-Kurzwelle mit Relais : MV BalticRadio und Radio Marabu.
-Eine Expedition zum Red-Sands Fort in der Themse-Mündung. Im Sommer besuchten drei deutsche Offshore-Fans diese Anlage. Die künstliche Insel diente in den sechziger Jahren als Basis für die Station Radio 390. Inzwischen kümmert sich eine Stiftung in England um den Erhalt des Forts. Robin Adcroft von der Stiftung und Graham Gill , seinerzeit als DJ bei Radio 390 tätig gewesen , sind Gäste unserer Veranstaltung .
-Bürgerfunk in NRW : hat die Zukunft schon begonnen ?
Die Regierung von NRW beabsichtigt eine Neuregelung des Bürgerfunks in einer Novelle des Landesmediengesetzes. Dazu wird die “Volpers-Studie” gern von der Politik und der Landesmedienanstalt in ihren Schlußfolgerungen zitiert.Wenn man die Studie liest , dann muß man nicht zwingend zu den gleichen Schlußfolgerungen kommen. Zur Klärung der IST-Situation und zur Erläuterung der politischen Zielsetzung erwarten wir eine spannende und hochaktuelle Diskussionsrunde für die beiden Verbände des Bürgerfunks in NRW , LBF und IGR , ihre Teilnahme zugesagt haben.
Veranstaltungsort :
Vom Düsseldorfer Hauptbahnhof aus fährt man mit der S -Bahn Linie S 8 in Richtung Hagen Wuppertal bis Haltepunkt Hochdahl-Millrath, geht dann in Fahrtrichtung an der Landstraße bis zum Hausmannsweg . An diesem liegt nach ein paar hundert Metern das Observatorium. Die Anfahrt mit dem Auto ab der Autobahn Abfahrt Haan-West der A 46 ist im Ort Erkrath ausgeschildert.
Es gibt auch einen Lageplan unter oder
Der Eintritt beträgt 9.-EURO ( 5,- EURO für Mitglieder der Caroline Support Group). Voranmeldung oder Rückfragen bitte an: Jan Sundermann , Millrather Weg 74 , D -40699 Erkrath. e-mail : jansundermann(@) Telefon : 0171 – 492 5829
Radio Spaceshuttle testing 9290 Khz LSB
“Dick Spacewalker” spaceshuttleradio (@)
Hi, first at all info that short onair test this evening a. 17:45-18:15 UTC 9290 LSB….
Reports, please!
TESTING ALSO THESE E-mails. So, let me know if you like your to removed from my postings.
Many thanks,
Dick Spacewalker
(Source: doctortimde)
New audio files up
Listen to the off-air recordings of July and August 2006. Remember the Laser Hot Hits shows which arrived quite good at evening. Also many dutch and UK-stations were received though propagation conditions were not always good.
Radio Likedeeler
Radio Likedeeler is on the air on 6310 Khz at 1945 Utc. Reception is fair with O=3, some fading and noise on frequency. Onkel Bernhard plays nice music from the 70th.
On 6303 Khz there is a strong noise carrier but 6310 Khz is away enough.
logs till 27-08-06
morning again disappointing with long-skip conditions. Early evening quite good results, saturday evening late fade out on 48m band.
greetings achim
Date 21/08
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1849 Laser Hot Hits 24433 8
Date 25/08
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.638,0 2207 unid 44444 9
Date 26/08
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
3.927,0 2139 Radio Spaceman 45444 9+10d
6.220,0 1710 Radio Marylin 44444 9
6.268,0 2124 unid 24433 7
6.280,0 2124 unid 34433 8
6.295,0 2123 Bogus Man (tent) 34433 8
6.305,0 2125 Radio Mazda 34433 8
6.400,0 2125 unid 43433 8
6.401,0 2203 WMR 33433 7
Date 27/08
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.210,0 1805 Radio Marylin 33433 8
6.220,0 1735 Mystery Radio 44444 9
6.270,0 0832 Radio Victoria 34444 7
6.280,0 1153 Zender Westcoast 34333 7
6.300,0 1712 Zender Golfbreker 34444 9
6.300,0 1154 unid 23322 5
6.306,0 1945 Radio Bonovox 34333 8
6.310,0 1154 unid (Radio Malaisy ??) 45444 9
6.312,0 1759 Radio Zodiac 34433 8
6.324,0 0810 Zender Paardenkracht 34433 8
6.401,0 1955 WMR (tent) 34433 9
6.401,0 0945 unid 22332 6
6.401,0 1805 unid 23322 5
12.256,0 0935 WR International 15322 3
WMR Weekend Music Radio
Tentative WMR Weekend Music Radio is on 6401 Khz at 1955 Utc. Reception is fair with O=3. Programme consists of old tapes from the archives.
Radio Bonovox
The new dutch station Radio Bonovox is on 6306 Khz at 1945 Utc. Reception is quite good with O=3/4, some fading on frequency but a clear channel. Programme is some dutch music. Email-address is radiobonovox(@)
Radio Marylin
Radio Marylin is on 6210 Khz at 1805 Utc. Reception is fair to good with O=3/4, this time with longer announcements and easy listening music.
Radio Zodiac
Radio Zodiac is rocking the shortwave bands on 6312 Khz at 1800 Utc. Reception is good with O=3/4, some fading on frequency but a free channel.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1750 Utc. Reception is good with O=4 and the usual pop and dance selection is played. Emails go to mysteryradio(@)