Mystery Radio

Mystery Radio is still be active at 2250 Utc on 6220 Khz. Reception is a bit weaker now O=3 but good readable. Some nice pop-songs for sunday evening.
Before had an UNID station on 1630 Khz at 2150 Utc, catched some announcements but no identification.

Pirate E Radio

Pirate E Radio on air:

Ritorna on air Pirate E Radio, se ricordate la pirata italiana tutta estiva, che si appresta a diventare anche autunnale.

Domani 2 ottobre 2006, trasmissione 250 W AM 6700Khz dalle 21:00 alle 21:30.
L’ID è Pirate E Radio

Per rapporti di ricezione:
Allora tutti all’ascolto domani!

Source: Play-DX

Antonio Radio

Antonio Radio is on 6275 Khz at 1310 Utc with SINPO 45444. S=9+5dB never heard Antonio Radio so strong before. Also good modulation. Plays the former RNI-tune and trys to QSO, only a short test. Email-address is antonioradio(@) and SMS go to +31611098508.
An unidentfied station from southwest of Netherlands answered at 1315 Utc but have not figured out who it is. At 1325 Utc The voice-only pirate Zender Tolles Huhn from south Netherlands is in QSO with Antonio Radio and Rheinland Radio. Zender Tolles Huhn and Rheinland Radio arrive with O=3 at my location and are new stations for me.

Radio Blackbird

Radio Blackbird is on 6300 Khz at 1240 Utc with SINPO 44444. S=9 nice signal. Plays some polka and dutch music. Radio Blackbird transmits from the north-eastern part of the Netherlands. SMS go to +31650872445. The polka CD is imported from the United States.
At 1230 Utc received some UNIDs on 6284 Khz (Zodiac ??) and 6296 Khz, fading out some minutes later. Paardenkracht still on 6309 Khz.

UNID 6270 Khz

Again an unidentified station on 6270 Khz at 1010 Utc. Plays some Oldies and pop-music till close down at 1020 Utc. Reception was quiet good O=4. No announcement heard.
At 1010 Utc 48m band is open now. Pirates are on 6290 Khz and 6309 Khz, as well as Borderhunter on 6210 Khz.

Radio Borderhunter

Good reception of Radio Borderhunter on 6210 Khz at 0950 Utc. SINPO 35444 S=7 improving to S=9 and good modulation. OP Frans plays a wide variety of Oldies, dutch music and pop sounds. These are the secret sounds.
No other station received on 48m band.

logs till 01-10-06

sunday morning disappointing. Low signals and again long-skip conditions. Saturday evening good reception on mediumwave though I fight against home-made electrical noise in this frequency area.
greetings achim

Date 01/10

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.211,0 0826 unid 24322 5

6.220,0 0611 Mystery Radio 34444 8
6.265,0 0851 unid 14321 5

6.305,0 0913 unid 24322 5
6.325,0 0903 unid 13322 5

Date 25/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1628 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB
6.878,0 1923 Pirate Music 24433 7

9.290,0 1646 Radio Spaceshuttle International 24433 6

Date 27/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1641 Mystery Radio 45434 9+10d

9.290,0 1700 Radio Spaceshuttle International 14322 5

Date 28/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1640 Mystery Radio 44434 9+5dB

6.284,0 1831 unid 23322 5

Date 29/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 2111 Mystery Radio 45444 9+10d

Date 30/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

1.618,0 2133 unid 24322 8

1.646,0 2118 Radio James Bond 43443 9+5dB

1.650,0 2231 unid 34433 8
3.927,0 2109 Spaceman 45444 9+5dB

6.220,0 1606 Mystery Radio 44434 9+5dB
6.276,0 1436 Radio Tornado 34444 8

6.280,0 1737 unid 33433 8
6.300,0 1654 Zender Shadow (tent) 23322 7

UNID 6325 Khz

Another weak unidentified station is on 6325 Khz at 0905 Utc. O=1/2 with deep fading but you can only seperate music and speech.
Bad conditions this sunday, there is some activity on 48m band, but signals very weak and with deep fading and noise. Another UNID station is on 6305 Khz a bit above the noise level with severe fading at 0915 Utc.

UNID 6211 Khz

For a short time there was a station on 6211 Khz at 0825 Utc. Reception only O=2 and a few minutes later fading out.
Conditions very bad this sunday, seems to be again longskip. No sign of Orion Radio on 6520 Khz, the only station heard is Mystery Radio on 6220 Khz.

Mystery Radio

Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 0610 Utc, SINPO 34444 and S=8. Plays the usual nonstop pop-music with ID-jingles. The station is also often heard in the USA, seems to be using high power transmitter.

Radio James Bond

Radio James Bond is on 1646 Khz at 2130 Utc with O=3. Some interference from a carrier, may be home-made electrical interference. But strong signal with S=9+10dB. James Bond is broadcasting some dutch music from the north of the Netherlands.
48m band has nothing except Mystery Radio and Spaceman is still strong on 3927 Khz at 2130 Utc.

Mystery Radio

Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1605 Utc. SINPO is 44434 S=9+5dB a good signal with some fading. Plays pop-music with short ID-jingles.
Not so much heard this afternoon on 48m band. Conditions seem to be rather poor.

Radio Tornado

Radio Tornado is on 6276 Khz at 1445 Utc with a short test. Reception is quiet good with O=3/4, some fading and noise. Plays some dance sound of the 90th and beyond. Email-address is radiotornadoshortwave(@) Radio Tornado is broadcasting from mid-Netherlands.

MV Baltic Radio

MV Baltic Radio is on Sunday
1st of October 2006, at 1200 UTC
in the 49-m-European-Shortwave-Band,
6045 kHz to Europe.
Good Listening

Some additional information from Klaus Führlich in A-DX list:

MV Baltic Radio present information from the baltic region of Germany and a lot of music. In our program we have rare songs from David Bowie, Deep Purple and we have brand new songs from Radio 4, Towers of London and other bands. A highlight will be the special from the Gothic Night in Schwerin.

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19089 Göhren

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