Big L 1395 Khz

Big L the offshore-nostalgia private station is back on 1395 Khz. Reception is fair with O=3/4 at 0650 Utc. Transmitter site is Trintelhaven in the Netherlands. Announced email-address is studio(@) Plays some pop-songs of the 80th/90th and beyond. Address is Big L Ltd PO Box 7336 Frinton On Sea Essex CO13 0WZ Tel: 0871 855 1395 International Calls: +44 8700 273 276 Fax: 08700 273 277.
Thanks to anka and wietti in Wellenforum for reporting it.

UNID 6310 Khz

Another unidentified station is on 6310 Khz at 1950 Utc. Weak signal with O=2, very noisy and some fading. Plays some Oldies and pop-songs. May be it is Fox 48. Puts out a hotline number but could not figure out the numbers.

UNID 6300 Khz

Someone is putting out a Laser offshore radio documentary at 1855 Utc on 6300 Khz. Reception is good with O=4, strong signal S=8. MV Communicator and Laser 730 729 are mentioned several times in audio cuts. Have not figured out yet who it is. Nice modulation.
Uwe Volk reports in A-DX list Laser Hot Hits on 6285 Khz at around 1800 Utc today, did not hear anything on that frequency.

UNID 6306 Khz

At 1805 Utc hear an UNID station on 6306 Khz with reggae music. Reception was first quite strong with O=3/4 then sudden fall to O=1/2. May be it is again Fox 48 but I doubt it because of the S=9 signal strength at first. Heard no announcement till now. It is also the possibility that there were two stations on air, one with reggae music signing off at around 1810 Utc, and a weak station in the background.

Radio Whitesnake

Nice surprise was the email-QSL of Radio Whitesnake for a SMS-report to the station. Shows nice photos of the studio and transmitter and details of the transmitter and antenna system. Radio Whitesnake is also active on mediumwave. The power used is 100 watt.

Kilo Tango Lima

Tentative Radio Saturnus is on 6297 Khz at 1735 Utc. Reception is poor O=2 with much utility interference on that frequency. So I am not 100% sure of the ID. Plays some Oldies and nice songs.
Close down of Saturnus at around 1740 Utc, after that another station came on Kilo Tango Lima announcing and then sudden close down.
After listening to the audio file I must write that I received only Kilo Tango Lima on 6297 Khz, no Saturnus. Kilo Tango Lima seems to be a german station and reception was too poor to catch the hotmail-address. It is a new station to me.

logs till 17-09-06

this morning good conditions. Strong steady signals and many UNIDs with nonstop music to solve.
greetings achim

Date 11/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.306,0 1722 Radio Fox 48 24322 5

9.290,0 1738 Radio Spaceshuttle International 23322 5 LSB
Date 13/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.275,0 1912 Radio Likedeeler 34333 8

Date 14/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.275,0 1818 Skyline Radio Germany 33443 8

6.280,0 2003 Radio Mazda 45444 9+5dB
6.283,0 1921 unid 23322 6

6.290,0 1955 Radio Likedeeler 32322 6

6.294,0 1840 Radio Likedeeler 23322 6
6.300,0 1848 Radio Whitesnake 34444 8

6.306,0 1848 Radio Skywire 23433 6
6.309,0 2001 unid 24433 6

Date 15/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

1.634,0 2201 unid 43443 9
3.927,0 2048 Radio Sensation 24433 7

6.220,0 2045 Mystery Radio 44444 9+5dB

Date 16/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.220,0 1559 Mystery Radio 44444 8

6.270,0 1418 Radio Blackbird 24433 7
6.300,0 1430 Radio Face de Blatte 23322 5

Date 17/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark

6.200,0 0933 Radio Borderhunter 45444 9
6.210,0 0846 unid (Bogus Man ??) 24433 6

6.220,0 0701 Mystery Radio 44444 9
6.241,0 0849 Radio Perfekt 33443 7

6.250,0 1031 Zender Paardenkracht 33433 7

6.268,0 0903 unid 24433 7 nonstop 80th pop
6.270,0 0743 unid 24322 6

6.275,0 0837 Zender Robby 24433 6
6.280,0 0955 unid dutch 45444 9+5dB

6.285,0 0922 Radio Boomerang 45444 9+5dB
6.285,0 0905 Zender Scirocco 24333 6

6.295,0 0823 Radio Victoria (tent) 24333 6

6.303,0 1018 unid 24333 6
6.310,0 0923 unid 24433 7

6.324,0 0831 Zender Paardenkracht 33443 7
6.325,0 0656 RWI 24433 7

6.400,0 0959 Radio Ramona 34444 8

Mystery Radio

Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 2015 Utc. Reception is strong with O=4. Plays some Pop-music with ID-jingles. Emails go to mysteryradio(@)
Apart from Reflections Europe on 6295 Khz and 3910 Khz nothing else on 48m and 76m bands.