Category: QSL
QSL Radio Mia
Radio Sonar
Radio Sonar eQSL back to 2006:
QSL Radio Quintus
Another eQSL back in 2005:
Orion Radio
Some eQSLs from Orion Radio back in 2005:
Radio Balaton International
Radio Balaton International was active in 2005 from Hungary. View the QSL-card at balaton.pdf.
QSL Radio Dr Tim
QSL Playback International
QSL Radio Mistletoe
QSL Radio Altrex
QSL Ramstein Radio
QSL Radio Galaxy
Red Sands Radio QSL + audio
QSL Radio Dr Tim
Radio Bordertim
QSL-card gallery
My QSL-card gallery is again online after the error was solved. Enjoy many pictures from my active QSL-card-collecting time from 1988 till 1994.
Mystery Radio QSL
The fastest email-QSL I ever have from Mystery Radio lasted 15 minutes.
Radio Spaceshuttle
Radio Spaceshuttle sends nice detailed QSL-card via email. Thanks to Dick. Spaceshuttle is using 15 watts and was well heard in September, 2006.
Orion Radio
Received a nice f/d QSL-card from Orion Radio in 4 days for a SMS-report on the test transmission on 6520 Khz. Thank you John for the nice card, a big surprise.
Radio Whitesnake
Nice surprise was the email-QSL of Radio Whitesnake for a SMS-report to the station. Shows nice photos of the studio and transmitter and details of the transmitter and antenna system. Radio Whitesnake is also active on mediumwave. The power used is 100 watt.
Radio Eastside
Radio Eastside 6275 f/d card f/d letter with photos for 1,10 Euro Rp v/s Alex Warner (80d).
Einen interessanten Artikel zu Eastside-OP Alex Warner gibt es unter Radio ohne Schablone. Quelle: anka im Wellenfoum.
QSL Cupid Radio
Cupid Radio 6210 2 nice f/d cards long info sheet with photos of transmitter and antenna for 1 US-Dollar in 12 days
Britain Radio International
Britain Radio International 6240 p/d card letter info sheet for email-participation 25 years BRI 296 days.