On This Day… June 21st

On This Day… June 21st
21 Jun. 1975 GBR. London. 92.8 FM. Sun Radio is on air today. Chris Trent is one of the presenters
21 Jun. 1981
+ NED. 6250 and 7315 kHz SW. Free Radio Service Holland [FRSH] is on air today, but experiencing problems with FRBC.
+ GBR. 6250 Free Radio Broadcasting Company [FRBC] restarts broadcasts, an unusual situation where a UK station has fired up on top of a Dutch station instead of the other way round.
21 Jun. 1983 GBR Twickenham. 1503 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Sovereign Radio is on air today
21 Jun. 1984
+ GBR. SW London. 1332 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Radio Jackie is on air today
+ GBR. SE London. 1413 kHz and 90.2 FM. Skyline Radio is on air today 06:00-00:00
+ GBR. London. 92.5 FM. On air 7 days a week, LWR is on air today
+ GBR. London. 102.5 FM. Horizon Radio is on air 7 days a week
+ GBR. London. 102.8 FM. JFM is on air 7 days a week
21 Jun. 1989
+ GBR Saltash. 1494 kHz MW. Radio Argus Plymouth is on air today with taped shows 06:00-10:00 and 15:00-19:00
+ GBR Cornwall. 1503 kHz MW. [St Ives], 1602 kHz MW [Camborne] and 102.8 FM [St Agnes] via a link system from Camborne, Radio Argus Cornwall is on air today
+ GBR. Bromley. 1611 kHz MW. Radio Argus London is on air this evening
And that’s the lot for today, unless something has been missed? Please let me know.
Enjoy the longest day!
Bert Bridges

Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook