Historic Logs 9 September

1983 09 09 963 14 16 Radio Caroline E pop ID 24343

1990 09 09 6203 01 05 Radio Mi Amigo E jingle 43443

1990 09 09 6209 11 48 VOTN G QSO 45444

1990 09 09 6209 11 54 PFBS G QSO 35444

1990 09 09 6209 12 09 Radio RID D 25443

1990 09 09 6210 12 03 Radio Pioneer D QSO 25343

1990 09 09 6232 09 01 BRI E pop ID 23433

1990 09 09 6240 00 11 PFBS E pop ID 44423

1990 09 09 6241 08 22 FRS Holland E pop ID 45444

1990 09 09 6276 00 14 LWR E pop ID adr 44423

1990 09 09 6300 10 29 Big L E pop adr 24333

1990 09 09 6319 08 40 Radio Stella International E pop DX-px 25433

1990 09 09 7441 09 20 RWI G pop ID 24333

1990 09 09 7484 08 43 Radio Marabu G adr mx 34433

On This Day. September 9th.

On This Day.
September 9th.
09 Sep. 1971
* GBR. Nottingham. All but one of the members of Radio UK International are fined, with two being given conditional discharges. The one person who has no action taken against him, Jason Marks, turns out to have been a GPO informer.
+ GBR. Edinburgh. 1322 kHz MW. 01:00-02:30 Radio Free City is on air tonight
09 Sep. 1972 IRL. Dublin. Radio Milinda starts broadcasts today broadcasting from a studio in a flat in the city
09 Sep. 1973
+ GBR. London. 1133 kHz MW. Radio Kaleidoscope is on air Sundays from 10:00-16:00
+ GBR. 1395 kHz MW. Radio Venus North is noted today with 15 watts power
+ GBR. 6215 kHz SW. Radio Gemini is on air today
09 Sep. 1976 GBR. London. 6255 kHz SW. Skyport Radio is on air 10:00-13:00
09 Sep. 1979 GBR. London. 92.8 FM. Radio Telstar South is on air this evening
09 Sep. 1981 GBR Merseyside 1107kHz MW. Radio J1000 is on air 7 days a week
09 Sep. 1983 GBR Twickenham. 1494 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Sovereign Radio is on air today
09 Sep. 1984
+ GBR. Ludlow. 1017 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Sunshine Radio is on air today
+ GBR. SW London. 1332 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Radio Jackie is on air today
+ GBR. SE London. 1413 kHz MW and 90.2 FM. Skyline Radio is on air today 06:00-00:00
+ GBR. London. 102.5 FM. Horizon Radio is on air 7 days a week
+ GBR. London. 103.4 FM. JFM is on air 7 days a week
09 Sep. 1987 GBR. Redruth. 1503 kHz MW. Radio Argus Cornwall is on air today
09 Sep. 1988
+ GBR. Camborne. 1503 kHz MW. Radio Argus Cornwall is on air 07:00-23:00
+ GBR. Chelmsford. 90.7 FM. Radio Galaxy is on air today
09 Sep. 1989
+ GBR. Bromley. 1125 kHz MW and 92.0 FM. Radio Argus London is on air today, 92.0 FM is turned off while RFL is on air, and 1503 MW relays RFL
+ GBR. London. 92.0 FM. Radio Free London [RFL] is on air this evening
Hope this is useful to some?
Any additions or corections ?
Please get in touch.
Bert 🙂

Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook