Radio Spaceman is on 6280 Khz at 1005 Utc with SINPO 45444. Plays some dutch music and Oldies as well as jingles spoken by Chris Ise.
Radio Saturnus
Radio Saturnus is on 6327 Khz at 1005 Utc with SINPO 23433 S=7. Plays some nice rock-music and Oldies. Emails go to radiosaturnus(@)
Antonio Radio
Antonio Radio is on 6305 Khz at 0945 Utc with SINPO 34433. Plays some nice Oldies and pop-music. SMS go to +31611098508 and emails to antonioradio(@)
Radio Borderhunter
Radio Borderhunter is on 6210 Khz at 0920 Utc with SINPO 43443. Some utility carrier interference. Plays some rock-songs and Oldies. It is rainy and OP Frans has water in the cellar but this do not prevent him from doing a broadcast. SMS go to +31 610531057. Plays also some Summermeeting 2007 jingles and reads out incoming SMS and phone calls.
EMR is on 5965 Khz at 1300 Utc this sunday.
Our programmes will be repeated on the internet service of EMR today at the new times of 1600 – 1900 and 2200 utc. Check the internet stream at
Good Listening. 73s Tom
The website of EMR is at
Radio Caroline
Radio Caroline is on 6300 Khz at 0855 Utc with SINPO 23322 S=5, sometimes O=3. Plays some pop-music from the 80th and the Caroline-song. Emails go to studio(@)
At 0856 sign off, seems to be hopping around the 48m band.
Radio Lowland
Radio Lowland is booming in on 6301 Khz at 0820 Utc with SINPO 35444. Very strong steady signal. Plays some Oldies and reads out incoming reports from Sweden. Station uses 50 watt into a half-wave vertical antenna.
After close down at 0826 Utc a voice-only station answered, no station name.
Orion Radio
Orion Radio is on 6311 Khz at 0815 Utc with SINPO 45444. Plays a happy birthday song for Marcel. Also from the Beatles Happy Birthday.
Radio Caroline
Radio Caroline is back on the airwaves. Hear the test transmission of Radio Caroline on 6285 Khz at 0815 Utc. Plays the Caroline-songs and some pop-music of the 80th. Reports go to studio(@)
WMR (tent)
Tentative WMR Weekend Music Radio is on 6401 Khz at 0810 Utc with SINPO 22432 S=6. Plays some pop-music and I might have noticed the voice of Jack Russel. Signal is very weak barely audible.
48m band has not woken up, no dutch station received at 0810 Utc.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 0745 Utc with SINPO 45444. Station has some new jingles. Plays nonstop pop-music and ID-jingles.
UNID 1655 Khz
Hear an unid dutch station on 1655 Khz at 2200 Utc with SINPO 34444. Signal a bit variable and sometimes O=2. Plays some dutch music and pop-music. Did not understand a clear station name in the announcement. Station name is like Captain ?. Listen to the small audio file via 061118unid1655.mp3.
48m band and 76m band are again empty this evening.
Radio Caroline is back
Radio Caroline, the real one, from the offshore station, is planning to get back on the airwaves and will have test transmissions starting this weekend between 6255-6325 khz. Please reply and send reports to studio(@)
Source: doctortimde yahoo-group
Radio Tijdbreker
Listen to Radio Tijdbreker on 1636 Khz since 2210 Utc. Reception is only fair with SINPO 33443. Plays a lot of dutch music. Signal strength is only medium today with S=8.
48m band and 76m band are empty this evening.
Mystery Radio
After some days of absence Mystery Radio is again on air on 6220 Khz. Reception is good at 1730 Utc with SINPO 45444, only little fading today. Plays some nonstop pop-music. Hear some new jingles: Only the best music Mystery Radio worldwide.
Pirate Radio address list updated
I updated my pirate-Radio address-list PWdB:
The main part of the list (other names, P.O. boxes, activity, etc.) is only for subscribers, since I want to get some reward for my work and also because some of the pirates are rather suspicious about the public.
But the part of the list with the E-mail-addresses and the www-pages can be seen for free:
Orders and critical commenst are welcome ! Payment for a subscription to the list please via PayPal, the price is 5 EUR / 6 USD for 2 years ..
Martin on SWpirates
EMR on 5965 Khz
EMR 19th November 2006
AT 1300 UTC – ON 5965 KHZ
1315 PAT EDISON (DJ’s Radio History)
1330 MIKE TAYLOR (Mail Box)
Good Listening 73s Tom
9290 khz relays from Latvia
9290 khz relays from Latvia
The relay service on 9290 khz from Latvia will be returning to the air in mid December 2006.
If there are any stations that would like to be relayed via this service please send an email to the following address: kreicbergs(@)
Only this email address will be valid.
More information will follow in December 2006
73s Tom
InTheMix Radio
heute ab 19 uhr ist nemo live on air. was gespielt wird weiß er selber noch nicht *g*
einfach mal reinhören
ACHTUNG !!! neue stream url
gruß nemo
logs till 12-11-06
this weekend limited listening time. At sunday afternoon good signals with fading on 48m band.
greetings achim
Date 06/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1706 Mystery Radio 34444 8
Date 07/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1745 Mystery Radio 23322 6
Date 08/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1607 Mystery Radio 34444 8
Date 09/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.636,0 2031 Radio Tijdbreker 33443 8
6.220,0 1704 Mystery Radio 44444 9+5dB
Date 10/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.645,0 2320 unid 43443 9
6.220,0 1515 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB
Date 12/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.205,0 1247 RNI Radio Nordsee International 35433 8
6.220,0 1225 Mystery Radio 34433 8
6.239,0 1406 BRI 23433 7
6.267,0 1424 Radio Scotland 44444 9
6.270,0 1238 Radio Mazda 45444 9+10d
6.270,0 1324 Westcoast Radio 34444 8
6.275,0 1310 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8
6.302,0 1224 Tower 45434 9+5dB
6.310,0 1226 unid 34444 9
6.313,0 1230 Zender Paardenkracht 33443 9
6.315,0 1319 unid 23333 7
6.315,0 1235 Westcoast Radio 34433 8
6.325,0 1223 RWI 34433 8
6.375,0 1507 unid 22322 6
6.390,0 1356 unid 24433 7
6.390,0 1421 Westcoast Radio 34433 8
6.400,0 1500 WMR 22332 7 E hoax
6.401,0 1454 WMR 23333 7
Info Radio
Info Radio is testing most evenings on 6910 Khz or 6920 Khz at 2000 Utc.
WMR Weekend Music Radio
WMR Weekend Music Radio is on 6401 Khz at 1455 Utc with SINPO 23333 S=7. Some interference from the hoax-WMR on 6400 Khz, also from legal radio. Plays some pop-music.
The hoax-WMR plays off-air recorded old WMR-programmes and is mostly on 6400 Khz while the real WMR is on 6401 Khz. This weekend both stations are on air and it is a lot of mess as both arrive with S=7.
Radio Scotland
Radio Scotland is testing the old transmitter on 6267 Khz at 1430 Utc. The Rhode and Schwarz SK050 transmitter broke down. Now the transmitter has only crystals and he has only a few frequencies. Transmitter is working very well with SINPO 44444 S=9. Plays some dance music of the 90th.
Westcoast Radio
Westcoast Radio is on 6390 Khz at 1422 Utc with SINPO 34433. Makes some QSOs, some stations on 6375 Khz and also on 6390 Khz.
BRI Britain Radio International
BRI Britain Radio International is on 6239 Khz at 1405 Utc with SINPO 23433. Roger Davis talks. S=7 nice afternoon reception though I have some home-made electrical interference on that frequency.