After close down on 6210 Khz Radio Borderhunter was active on 6305 Khz with a short QSO at 1011 Utc. The second QSO-station I can not hear. Borderhunter arrived with O=2 on that frequency. It is an unusal high frequency for the man with the secret sounds.
logs till 24-09-06
not much heard on sunday morning. Long skip conditions with severe
fading on the 48m band. Saturday better reception also some nice
activity during the week.
greetings achim
Date 18/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1717 Mystery Radio 45444 9+10d
6.297,0 1734 Kilo Tango Lima 32432 7
6.297,0 1742 Kilo Tango Lima 22432 6
6.306,0 1748 unid 23333 6
6.520,0 1756 Orion Radio 45444 9+5dB
Date 20/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.300,0 1854 unid 34444 8
6.306,0 1756 unid 24322 5
6.878,0 1817 Pirate Music (tent) 45444 8
Date 21/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.301,0 1940 unid 44444 9+5dB
6.308,0 1818 Cupido Radio 45444 9+10d
6.310,0 1950 unid 24322 5
6.312,0 1815 Kilo Tango Lima 34444 8
9.290,0 1809 Radio Spaceshuttle 24333 7 LSB
Date 22/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.636,0 2219 unid 34333 9
1.646,0 2105 unid 32432 8
Date 23/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.395,0 0647 Big L 44444 9+5dB
3.927,0 2059 Radio Sensation 33333 8
6.275,0 1722 unid 24433 7
6.290,0 1753 Radio Mazda 45444 9+5dB
6.300,0 2126 unid 24322 6
6.301,0 1430 Tower Radio 45444 9+10d
6.308,0 1741 Radio Zodiac 24322 5
6.878,0 0628 Pirate Music 34444 8
6.878,0 2120 Pirate Music 24333 6
9.290,0 1626 Radio Spaceshuttle 24322 5 LSB
Date 24/09
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.210,0 0840 Radio Borderhunter 45444 9+5dB
6.275,0 0651 Tower Radio (tent) 24322 5
6.305,0 0913 unid 14321
6.400,0 0913 unid 23322 6
6.540,0 0856 unid 24322 5
6.878,0 0615 Pirate Music 24433 6
9.290,0 0846 Radio Spaceshuttle (tent) 25322 5
UNID 6540 Khz
Hear an unid dutch station on 6540 Khz at 0900 Utc. Reception was O=3 but now fading out. Plays some dutch music and announcements, seems to be not Radio Brigitte who is usual on on this frequency.
Conditions rather bad this sunday with long-skip again, best station received is Borderhunter on 6210 Khz. Weak stations are also on 6305 Khz and 6400 Khz at 0915 Utc but too weak to ID because of severe fading and only O=1/2.
Radio Spaceshuttle (tent)
Tentative Radio Spaceshuttle is on 9290 Khz LSB-mode at 0850 UTC. Weak reception O=1/2, long deep fading but there is some different music sometimes.
Radio Borderhunter
Radio Borderhunter is on 6210 Khz at 0840 Utc. Reception is good with O=4 and S=9+5dB. Plays some turkish songs and Oldies, a wide variety of music. There are some turkish pirate radio station in his country.
Tower Radio
Hear a dutch unid station on 6275 Khz at 0650 Utc. Reception is bad with O=1/2, severe fading makes understanding almost impossible. Should go stronger if band is fading in completely. Plays some dutch music. May be it is Tower Radio ?
It is indeed Tower Radio confirmed by Klaus Führlich in A-DX- list. At 0740 Utc still not faded in completely, O=1-2. Apart from Pirate Music no other pirate station received here.
Pirate Music
Pirate Music is on 6878 Khz at 0615 Utc. Reception is fair with O=3, some noise. Plays ABC and other 80th pop-music along with Power FM-jingles.
UNID 6300 Khz
An unidentifed station has close down at 2128 Utc on 6300 Khz. Did catch the last announcement but severe fading made it not easy to understand. So reception only O=2. Plays some Oldies.
Pirate Music
Pirate Music is with nonstop pop-music on 6878 Khz on air at 2120 Utc. Reception is O=3 some fading. Plays pop-music of the 80th and Power FM jingles. No other station received on 48m band. With earlier sunset fade out times are earlier.
Radio Sensation
Radio Sensation is on 3927 Khz at 2100 Utc. Reception is quite good with O=3, some noise in 76m band. Plays some dutch songs. SMS-number is +31615156766. Radio Sensation has also postal address PO Box 73 NL-7160 AB Nedde, Netherlands.
Radio Mazda
Radio Mazda is on 6290 Khz at 1800 Utc. Reception is good with O=4 and S=9+5dB. Plays some dutch polkas, the usual utility interference on this frequency has no chance. Email-address is radiomazda(@) and SMS-number is +31622957457.
Radio Zodiac
Radio Zodiac is rocking on 6308 Khz at 1745 Utc. Reception is good with O=3/4. Plays some nice rock-songs and Anastasia. Emails go to radiozodiac(@) and the SMS-number is +31655117537.
UNID 6275 Khz
I am hearing an unidentifed station on 6275 Khz at 1730 Utc. Reception is quite okay with O=3, some short transmitter breaks. Plays some pop-music of the 80th. So far no announcement or ID.
Radio Spaceshuttle International
Radio Spaceshuttle International is on 9290 Khz LSB-mode at 1640 Utc. Reception is fair with O=2/3, deep fading and a bit noisy. Plays some different music and has often IDs.
Tower Radio
Tower Radio is powering on 6301 Khz at 1440 Utc. O=4/5 S=9+10dB, there are no questions about reception. Plays some dutch music and jingles.
Big L 1395 Khz
Big L the offshore-nostalgia private station is back on 1395 Khz. Reception is fair with O=3/4 at 0650 Utc. Transmitter site is Trintelhaven in the Netherlands. Announced email-address is studio(@) Plays some pop-songs of the 80th/90th and beyond. Address is Big L Ltd PO Box 7336 Frinton On Sea Essex CO13 0WZ Tel: 0871 855 1395 International Calls: +44 8700 273 276 Fax: 08700 273 277.
Thanks to anka and wietti in Wellenforum for reporting it.
Pirate Music
Pirate Music is on 6878 Khz at 0630 Utc. Reception is good with O=4, nice signal for 10 watts. Programme is nonstop pop-music with Power FM-jingles. Emails go to piratemusic(@)
UNID 6310 Khz
Another unidentified station is on 6310 Khz at 1950 Utc. Weak signal with O=2, very noisy and some fading. Plays some Oldies and pop-songs. May be it is Fox 48. Puts out a hotline number but could not figure out the numbers.
UNID 6301 Khz
Heard an unidentified station on 6301 Khz at 1940 Utc. Plays some Oldies but at 1945 Utc strong hetrodyne and station is lost. Fades away at 1950 Utc, still strong interference, so no chance to identify.
Kilo Tango Lima
Kilo Tango Lima is on 6312 Khz at 1815 Utc. Reception is good with O=4. Kilo Tango Lima is in QSO with Cupido Radio on 6308 Khz. Cupido Radio is also received with O=4 but signal strength is very strong with S=9+10dB. Emails go to ktl48(@) according to Nice conditions this evening, come on guys.
Radio Spaceshuttle International
Radio Spaceshuttle International is on 9290 Khz LSB at 1815 Utc. Reception is fair O=3, nice signal. Plays some Oldies and different music. At around 1800 Utc reception of Radio Spaceshuttle is often possible on 9290 Khz LSB-mode.
Orion Radio
Received a nice f/d QSL-card from Orion Radio in 4 days for a SMS-report on the test transmission on 6520 Khz. Thank you John for the nice card, a big surprise.
UNID 6300 Khz
Someone is putting out a Laser offshore radio documentary at 1855 Utc on 6300 Khz. Reception is good with O=4, strong signal S=8. MV Communicator and Laser 730 729 are mentioned several times in audio cuts. Have not figured out yet who it is. Nice modulation.
Uwe Volk reports in A-DX list Laser Hot Hits on 6285 Khz at around 1800 Utc today, did not hear anything on that frequency.
6878 Khz Pirate Music (tent)
Tentative the station Pirate Music is again active on 6878 Khz. At 1815 Utc strange things happen on this frequency. Station is putting out the same interval signal on and on. Reception is quite good with O=3/4. The italians have new surprises in there transmissions or is it a utility station holding the frequency free ?
UNID 6306 Khz
At 1805 Utc hear an UNID station on 6306 Khz with reggae music. Reception was first quite strong with O=3/4 then sudden fall to O=1/2. May be it is again Fox 48 but I doubt it because of the S=9 signal strength at first. Heard no announcement till now. It is also the possibility that there were two stations on air, one with reggae music signing off at around 1810 Utc, and a weak station in the background.