Hear an unid dutch station on 6390 Khz at 1400 Utc with SINPO 24433 S=7. Plays some pop-music of the 80th. Voice modulation is a bit low though music is loud enough. So heard no clear identification yet.
Westcoast Radio
Westcoast Radio is on 6270 Khz at 1325 Utc with SINPO 34444. Plays nice pop-music of the 80th. Westcoast is on 6270 Khz after Radio Mazda left the frequency. Emails go to westcoastam(@)hotmail.com.
Laser Hot Hits
Laser Hot Hits is on 6275 Khz at 1315 Utc with SINPO 23333 S=7. Plays some Oldies. Sometimes interference caused by Radio Mazda on 6270 Khz.
UNID 6310 Khz
An UNID station plays nonstop pop-music on 6310 Khz at 1310 Utc. Reception is fair with SINPO 33443 S=9. No annoucemnets heard. Is it Radio Malaisy ?
Sometimes interference caused by Radio Tower on 6302 Khz.
Radio Nordsee International
RNI Radio Nordsee International is on 6205 Khz at 1250 Utc with SINPO 34433. Strong signal but also some fading. Plays some Oldies of the 60th/70th and RNI Goes DX will follow at 1300 Utc.
Radio Tower
Radio Tower is on 6302 Khz at 1240 Utc with SINPO 45434 S=9+5dB. Plays some dutch music and calls to the studio are live on air in the programme. Strong signal but also some fading on frequency.
SMS and calls to the studio via +31 651858551. Emails go to radiotower(@)home.nl.
Radio Mazda
Radio Mazda is on 6270 Khz at 1238 Utc with SINPO 45444. Strong signal today with some fading.
SMS go to +31622957457 and emails to radiomazda(@)hotmail.com. Plays some dutch music.
RWI Radio Waves International
RWI Radio Waves International is on 6325 Khz at 1235 Utc with SINPO 24333. Plays some Oldies.
Zender Paardenkracht
Zender Paardenkracht is on 6313 Khz at 1230 Utc with SINPO 33443 S=9. Plays some Oldies.
Westcoast Radio answers on 6315 Khz at 1236 Utc with SINPO 34433. Plays some Oldies and longer talk.
Radio Borderhunter
Secret sounds on 76 metres for a change. Strong signal on 3905 kHz Saturday night 2315-0010 Utc with many oldies and even promos for the next Borderhunter summermeeting in June 2007. A bit early for that, isn’t it? Anyway, good reception in Italy, too, according to an SMS received from there.
Cupid Radio
hello folks
cupid radio is going to do his crazy stunts again on 15070 khz
we will starting at 15:00 utc till it gets dark here
it would be nice to give a reaction
0031 610544700
73`s rinus
Source: SWpirates
Info Radio
Info Radio is testing this saturday at around 2200 Utc on 6925 Khz +-QRM. Seems to be a UK-operation.
Info via http://www.alfalima.net
BRI nighttime test
We are planning to run a nightime test this weekend on 6240khz, possible times would be Sunday morning anytime after 4am UK time, however as always alot depends on TX availability.
Any reception reports to our usual email address britainradio(@)hotmail.com
if you need a QSL card for the report please include a contact address with your email.
Also the November broadcasts are scheduled: Sometimes live stream on the net.
Hopefully we shall be on air Sunday 12th/26th November from 10am UK time using 6240khz.
Features in this month`s programme include the DJ profile looking at Tony Brandon`s radio career, also we remember John Peel, and the late Norman Nelson from RECC, you will hear his voice once again on SW as we pay tribute too a good friend who is still sadly missed on SW, even though 11 years have now passed, the rare 60s archive includes 3 rare 7″ records including a few scratches!! mixed in with various pieces of radio news etc..
Possibly further webstream tests will follow up to Christmas via our webstream www.geocities.com/britainradio48
Info via http://www.alfalima.net
RWI 23rd birthday
RWI ‘s 23rd birthay on the airwaves
many thanks for your support during all these years
We will be on the air this weekend on 48mb 6352khz and/or 11401khz from the 26 mb
Details of programs are vailable on our web-pages http://go.to/rwi
A special QSL card will confirm your reports
73’s hotline will be 00 33 6 75 44 70 26
Have a nice Dx weekend through the shortwaves
Peter HILLS & philippe
Country music show, French service,Rock City &Pirate memories
the sounds on short-waves around the world
“on the highway to freedom”
Peter HILLS & Philippe ” The terrible twins”
For review and airplay send your promos to :
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
Source: SWpirates
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1515 Utc with SINPO 45444 S=9+5dB. Plays nonstop pop-music with short ID-jingles.
Radio Tijdbreker
Radio Tijdbreker is on 1636 Khz at 2030 Utc with SINPO 33443. Plays some nice dutch music into clear ID.
The announced broadcast of Cupid Radio on 6300 Khz at 2030 Utc I can not hear. There is no pirate radio station audible on 48 metre band.
Mystery Radio
Again Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1705 Utc with SINPO 44444 S=9+5dB. Plays nonstop pop-music with short ID-jingles.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1610 Utc with SINPO 34444 S=8. Plays nonstop pop-music and short ID-jingles.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1745 Utc with SINPO 23322 S=6. Plays some nonstop pop-music. Very weak signal today.
logs till 05-11-06
good conditions and high activity.
greetings achim
Date 02/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1754 Mystery Radio 23433 7
Date 03/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.630,0 2340 unid 33443 8
1.645,0 2317 unid 33443 9
1.655,0 2350 Radio Barones 43443 9+10d
6.275,0 1530 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 E
Date 04/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
1.645,0 2226 Radio Barones 33443 9+5dB
6.210,0 1547 Radio Borderhunter 44444 9+10d
6.251,0 1406 Radio Robby 23433 6
6.270,0 1403 Radio Mazda 34444 8
6.275,0 0030 Laser Hot Hits 24433 6
6.275,0 1053 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7
6.285,0 1343 Bogus Man (tent) 34333 7 E
6.290,0 1534 unid 33433 8
6.294,0 1343 unid 35444
6.295,0 1605 unid 13321 5
6.296,0 0035 Cupid Radio 24322 5
6.297,0 1527 Zender Quintus 34444 8
6.300,0 1501 Zender Quintus 33443 9
6.300,0 1314 Westcoast Radio 24333 6
6.300,0 1322 Radio Shadowman 43443 9+5dB
6.301,0 1354 Radio Lowland 34433 8
6.305,0 1145 Radio Kenwood 35444 8
6.305,0 1503 Zender Valencia 34444 9
6.306,0 1459 Radio Shadowman 43443 9+5dB
6.306,0 1150 Westcoast Radio 34444 8
6.307,0 1035 unid 45444 9
6.307,0 1517 Zender Digital 45444 9
6.310,0 1313 Zender Digital 34433 8
6.311,0 1506 Radio Bonofox 24433 7
6.325,0 1510 RWI 24433 7
6.401,0 1608 unid 23322 6
Date 05/11
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.210,0 0837 Radio Borderhunter 43443 9
6.220,0 0638 Mystery Radio 34444 8
6.248,0 0959 Radio Skywire 34433 8
6.260,0 1132 Radio Rainbow 23322 5
6.260,0 0836 Orion Radio 33443 8
6.275,0 0654 Laser Hot Hits 34444 8
6.280,0 1239 Radio Mazda 44444 9+5dB
6.285,0 1132 FRS Holland 24433 7
6.290,0 0931 Flux AM 33443 7
6.290,0 0836 unid 24333 7
6.295,0 0955 unid 23322 5
6.295,0 1237 Radio Holland AM 33433 8
6.300,0 0939 Skyline Radio International 44444 9
6.301,0 1240 Radio Zodiac 34433 8
6.301,0 1123 Radio Bonofox 24433 7
6.301,0 1119 Zender Digital 45444 9
6.305,0 1114 Zender Digital 45444 9+5dB
6.305,0 1045 Radio Northpole 24433 6
6.306,0 0833 Cupid Radio 45444 9+5dB
6.311,0 1235 Radio Bonofox 24322 7
6.325,0 0659 RWI 24433 7
6.401,0 0659 unid 23433 6
6.524,0 1015 Radio Ramona 24433 7
6.540,0 1024 Radio Ammerilis 24333 6
Date 30/10
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1527 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB
Date 31/10
FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark
6.220,0 1545 Mystery Radio 33443 9 E
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1705 Utc with SINPO 34444 S=8. Plays nonstop pop-music.
Westcoast Radio
Westcoast Radio is playing rock music on 6290 kHz and has a nice signal at 14oo Utc. SINPO 34333.
Radio Mazda
Radio Mazda is on 6280 Khz at 1240 Utc with SINPO 44444. Plays some dutch music and is calling CQ.
Radio Holland AM
Radio Holland AM is on 6295 Khz at 1240 Utc with SINPO 33433. Plays some Oldies and thanks for reception reports to transmission last week.
Radio Bonofox
Radio Bonofox is on 6311 Khz at 1235 Utc with SINPO 24322 S=7. 48m band is crowded at 1235 Utc.